McCain ad emphasizes Hayworth's tie to Abramoff

Sen. John McCain’s new television ad casts his primary challenger as someone who did favors for disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

The ad says former Congressman J.D. Hayworth received $150,000 from Abramoff and his clients and didn’t return the money as other politicians did once Abramoff came under scrutiny.

Abramoff was sentenced to four years in prison on mail fraud, conspiracy and tax evasion charges.

The ad didn’t point out that Hayworth donated to charity the $2,250 he received from Abramoff but kept the money he got from his clients.

Hayworth spokesman Mark Sanders says the remainder was given to Hayworth by Indian tribes that were part of his constituency.

The McCain campaign is spending $500,000 to air the ad statewide.


  1. McCain must really be worried because this is dead news and Hayworth was cleared of all charges. This just shows how low McCain is. I’m am sick of hearing Robert Davi’s voice on the radio. There is not a single ad that McCain can run that will convince thinking people that he is more than a slug. He is a liar about his 10-point plan–it is NOT his plan. It was developed by the Cattlegrowers Association, Border Patrol and Cochise County Sheriff’s department and it is 18 points.

    McCain has done nothing to further the goals of the plan other than use it to promote himself. I have lived on the border for over 20 years and right AFTER the murder of Rob Krentz was the FIRST time he EVER held a town hall or open public meeting in Sierra Vista or Douglas. Does that sound like a public official who is really concerned with the people he represents on the border???

  2. McCain is a liar and he proved that with the border issues in this state.

    He asked Obama for 1,700 Troop in his campaign adds and did not make a public statement that he supports Governor Jan Brewer efforts to secure the borders.
    Obama approved 1,200 Troops and That day McCain was claiming that Bush sent 6,000 Troops and McCain claimed that he requested 3,000 Troops.
    The man made problems worst for the state.

    Not only that, if you email him on immigrations-border issues, he email reply says he requested 1,700 troops still.

    McCain and Kyle were told to fix the immigration problem in 2007 by George Bush and they have been sleeping on this problem. Now they are using this to win an election.

    McCain and Kyle need to be removed form Office for putting this problem on a shelf until Mrs Brewer used her powers to fix it.

    email Senator John McCain

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