Kotterman, Huppenthal win schools chief nods

State lawmaker John Huppenthal won the Republican nomination and longtime educator Penny Kotterman got the Democratic nod for Arizona’s superintendent of public instruction in the Aug. 24 primary election.

Both are looking to replace Tom Horne, the state’s schools chief since 2003. Horne ran for attorney general this year.

Kotterman began teaching in 1978 and spent six years as president of the Arizona Education Association. She currently is director of new programs and policy at the Arizona K-12 Center.

Huppenthal has been a state senator since 2005, representing a district that covers parts of Tempe, Chandler and Phoenix. He served in the Arizona House from 1993 to 2000.

Kotterman beat Jason Williams, who ran unsuccessfully for the superintendent’s job in 2006.

Other GOP candidates were Margaret Dugan and Beth Price. Dugan has been the deputy superintendent of public instruction since August 2005 and Price has been a teacher and administrator at high schools and junior colleges in Arizona since 1987.

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