Tag Archives: 2010 GOP governor candidates

Brewer, Goddard now both on the air

The two major parties' all-but-certain nominees for Arizona governor are now both on the air with their first television commercials. Each ad is positive in tone and lacking the hard-edged sparring likely to emerge before long.

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Martin drops out, backs Brewer in governor's race

State Treasurer Dean Martin dropped out of the governor's race July 9, saying he would stand aside and support Gov. Jan Brewer in her battles with the Obama administration and the federal government. "Governor Brewer is going to need all our help to shoulder the burden of defending Arizona from the federal government. It is our duty to stand together as Arizona residents against an intrusive federal bureaucracy," Martin said in his announcement that he characterized as "suspending" his campaign. "Our state and the residents of Arizona are more important than playing politics."

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Brewer: Most illegal immigrants are drug mules

Gov. Jan Brewer said the majority of illegal immigrants coming into Arizona are being used as drug mules by cartels. “We all know that the majority of the people that are coming to Arizona and trespassing are now becoming drug mules,” Brewer told reporters on June 25 following a speech at a Korean War commemoration ceremony. “The drug cartels have ...

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Martin’s $5 contributions under review for alleged duplicates

Dean Martin's troubles with his $5 Clean Elections contributions may not be over yet. Less than a week after Martin submitted his qualifying contributions, the Republican gubernatorial candidate is facing allegations that he collected multiple $5 contributions from at least 128 people, a violation of Clean Elections law that could jeopardize the $707,000 public funding his campaign is slated to receive.

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Governor's debate: GOP candidates square off

UPDATE: 6:15 P.M. Brewer and Martin spar over each other’s records. Martin hits her for raising property taxes, while Brewer hits back over Martin’s votes for former Gov. Janet Napolitano’s budgets. Both say the other distorted their records. “We have to be truth tellers tonight, Mr. Martin,” Brewer said. Martin responded: “I think if you’re going to tell the truth, ...

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