Tag Archives: Gov. Jan Brewer

Martin drops out, backs Brewer in governor's race

State Treasurer Dean Martin dropped out of the governor's race July 9, saying he would stand aside and support Gov. Jan Brewer in her battles with the Obama administration and the federal government. "Governor Brewer is going to need all our help to shoulder the burden of defending Arizona from the federal government. It is our duty to stand together as Arizona residents against an intrusive federal bureaucracy," Martin said in his announcement that he characterized as "suspending" his campaign. "Our state and the residents of Arizona are more important than playing politics."

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Challengers say Brewer doing little to lead AZ through tough times

With Gov. Jan Brewer leading in the polls, Dean Martin and Buz Mills sought to turn her self-proclaimed strengths into her greatest weaknesses. Brewer, in turn, questioned Martin's record and Mills' plans for the state, while all feuded with Matthew Jette, whose positions seemed more fitting for a Democratic debate than a contest between GOP hopefuls.

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Governor's debate: GOP candidates square off

UPDATE: 6:15 P.M. Brewer and Martin spar over each other’s records. Martin hits her for raising property taxes, while Brewer hits back over Martin’s votes for former Gov. Janet Napolitano’s budgets. Both say the other distorted their records. “We have to be truth tellers tonight, Mr. Martin,” Brewer said. Martin responded: “I think if you’re going to tell the truth, ...

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Munger drops out of governor's race

John Munger dropped out of the 2010 governor’s race, saying he cannot compete with opponents who are getting millions of dollars in public financing for their campaigns. Munger announced his decision on June 1, just hours after the U.S. Supreme Court declined to strike down the matching funds provision of Arizona’s Clean Elections system. Munger said Clean Elections created an ...

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