Recent Articles from Yellow Sheet Report
In presser, Babeu promises to set the record straight
In presser, Babeu promises to set the record straight
Biggs prevails in CD5 recount
Minutes before our deadline, CD5 recount results were announced: Biggs has defeated Jones by 27 votes. His margin of victory actually expanded by 11 votes during the recount. To read... […]
Arizona loses an icon
The Republic today broke the news that former Gov. Rose Mofford died this morning at the age of 94. Mofford’s close friend Karen Scates said the governor had been in hospice... […]
Patience is a virtue for recount observers
County election officials expect to finish the CD5 recount tomorrow, most likely before lunch time, but won’t release the results until Friday. To read more on this item plus all... […]
APS heads to court to block subpoenas
APS and Pinnacle West struck back against Burns both at the commission and in court late Friday, calling his quest to disclose the utility’s alleged election spending a “campaign of harassment.”
Speakers race over? Mesnard has 20 votes
It appears Mesnard has locked up the speakership, as 20 likely caucus members are publicly supporting him. To read more on this item plus all the stories in the Sept.... […]
Irony alert No. 1
The Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol is attacking the anti-marijuana campaign for a donation it received from a Chandler-based pharmaceutical company.
Five days or three? That is the question.
The fate of Jones’ campaign may hinge on whether counties have been using the right deadline for voters who cast conditional provisional ballots to come back and provide proper identification to election officials.
You bet! It’s unbelievable!
The Biggs campaign declared Saturday morning that his stunning come-from-behind victory was the result of a grassroots effort leading up to Election Day to turn out supporters, and day-by-day ballot counts show that he did that.
With Dial ouster, Dems begin dreaming big
Former legislator Chad Campbell has been skeptical of past claims that the Senate can be turned blue, but said this year is different. Now, he said, there is “a legitimate... […]