Teaching tablets
Given the popularity and practical uses for technology, you’d be hard-pressed to find a school district in Arizona that isn’t giving students a taste of 21st century education.
The spread of laptops, hand-held devices and smart phones in classrooms is driven by rapid expansion of technology itself and by the fact that it’s the world that kids live in today.
School tuition legislation could cost state up to $28.5M
The Senate on Jan. 19 approved a two-bill package that expands a program allowing a dollar-for-dollar tax credit for contributions to groups that give scholarships to private school students.
AIMS test standards don’t aim high enough to prepare students
Let’s celebrate those Arizona K-12 public schools — both traditional and charter — that are advancing their students more quickly than their peers toward college and career readiness. Let’s study their strategies and share those strategies so that similar schools might use them.
Digital learning day
At least 28 states, including Arizona, will participate in the first Digital Learning Day on Feb. 1, to celebrate innovative teachers and instructional strategies focusing on the use of technology.
Arizona Ready
Even with the most up-to-date computers and other technology gizmos, key educators say schools will not be able to deliver quality education without effective teachers at the front of the classroom.