

Mar 7, 2011

Arizona Senate Dems plan ‘ethics announcement’

Arizona Senate Democrats have scheduled a Monday news conference to make an announcement regarding Senate ethics.

Feb 24, 2011

Arizona redistricting panel to meet for first time

The state's new redistricting commission meets for the first time Thursday, with the four members picked so far selecting an independent who will serve as the fifth member and chairman.

Feb 16, 2011

Arizona redistricting panel to hold first meeting

Arizona's redistricting commission meets for the first time later this month as it reconstitutes itself to start the process of drawing new congressional and legislative districts for use in the coming decade.

Feb 7, 2011

Current population threshold hands Democrats dominance on Pinal bench

Unless Republicans in the Arizona Legislature can pass a ballot proposal to increase the population threshold for judicial merit selection, eight Pinal County judges who are Democrats are poised to gain what seem to be lifetime appointments to the bench.

Feb 4, 2011

Democrats’ tax-credit legislation makes Republicans squirm

Grossly outnumbered, Democrats in the Arizona House have discovered a way to place the Republican majority in an uncomfortable position on tax legislation.

Jan 28, 2011

Capitol Quotes: Jan. 28, 2011

‘A guy named Prescott Winslow lost in Winslow. Why was that?’ — Andrei Cherny, on Democrats’ poor showing in the 2010 election.

Jan 24, 2011

House Democrats unveil policy agenda

Having shrunk in number, Democrats are more forcefully positioning themselves as the public’s eyes and ears at the Capitol.

Jan 24, 2011

Arizona’s registered independents now exceed Democrats

Independent voters in Arizona now outnumber registered Democrats.

Dec 9, 2010

Top Senate Dem staffers laid off

The Senate Dems have laid off two top staffers, Schapira told our reporter today. He declined to say who was let go and would only say the decision was a difficult one.

Nov 2, 2010

U.S. Senate likely to remain Democratic, pundits concede

Networks project that West Virginia Gov. Joe Manchin, a Democrat, will defeat Republican John Raese in the special election to replace the late Robert Byrd.  According to the right-leaning Washington... […]

Nov 1, 2010

West hitches campaign to Meyer

Many Democrats in the state are running to the middle. And many Republicans are running to the right. So it’s interesting strategy that in an election cycle where the GOP... […]

Oct 28, 2010

Independents see voter gains; Democrats’ share shrinks

The state's latest voter rolls paint a worrisome picture for Democrats this November. Arizona added nearly 159,000 new voters since the general election two years ago, pushing the electoral population to more than 3.1 million. But the number of Democrats shrank by almost 20,000.


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