
Yellow Sheet Report

Apr 28, 2015

Audit finds tech failures hobble Dept. of Revenue

The auditor general earlier this month released a scathing report that described the Dept of Revenue as struggling to implement IT systems and tools meant to improve its operations. The AG blamed DOR’s “ineffective IT leadership processes” for much of the troubles.

Apr 27, 2015

Post-Galassini investigations resume

Now that the Legislature has redefined “political committee” to comply with a federal judge’s ruling in Galassini v. Fountain Hills, a raft of enforcement actions that had been on hold is back on track.

Apr 27, 2015

Deflecting at the speed of business

Ducey today (April 24) sidestepped questions about why DCS never informed him about its policy change regarding married same-sex couples fostering children and why he only learned about it from a Capitol Times article more than two months after the fact.

Apr 22, 2015

Apparently, the Speaker’s the last to know

Gowan has been hosting meetings with the Republicans who signed the letter decrying his “excessive spending” and said the outrage they have expressed anonymously in this publication and in Republic columns isn’t reflected in those meetings, which haven’t been “heavy.” Asked if the plan for construction in the House is still on, Gowan at first backtracked, saying he didn’t even know t[...]

Apr 21, 2015

We’ve got your best interests at heart

The Arizona Center for Law in the Public Interest wants to intervene as a defendant in the lawsuit against Medicaid expansion, arguing that AHCCCS Director Tom Betlach does not necessarily represent the interests of its clients, four childless adults that are receiving Medicaid coverage as a result of the 2013 law.

Apr 20, 2015

Boiling over

One of the Republicans who signed a letter rebuking Gowan over proposed House renovations affirmed that it reflects deeper issues that many in the caucus have had with how the speaker has run the chamber.

Apr 20, 2015

Communication deficiency prompted letter to Gowan

Several Republicans who signed on to the letter charging Gowan with “excessive spending” and calling for a biparitisan committee of all future expenditures said they did it for a variety of reasons, but chiefly because they weren’t even notified about the project beforehand.

Apr 16, 2015

Ex-DOA chief claims he was fired for blowing whistle

Former DOA Director Brian McNeil took the first step toward a lawsuit against the state over his October 2014 firing by filing a notice of claim on Tuesday. It alleges that the governor’s office illegally released confidential information and intentionally painted him in a false light when it released an EEOC complaint from an unnamed female employee who alleged that McNeil had made discriminato[...]

Apr 16, 2015

Dept. of Ed spox: Board staff ‘misleading’ or ‘lying’

ADE spokeswoman Sally Stewart took exception to Board of Education President Greg Miller’s complaint over Douglas moving forward unilaterally on getting public input on the draft of proposed new fine arts standards for K-12 students.

Apr 15, 2015

Maybe he’s hoping Congress will ride to the rescue

If the US Supreme Court strikes down subsidies for those who purchase insurance on Obamacare’s federally run insurance exchanges, it will force Arizona (and dozens of other states) to make a tough decision whether to create its own exchange or let more than 200,000 people lose their health insurance.

Apr 13, 2015

A Thorpe in the king’s side

It’s not exactly a thumbs-up, but two national newspapers held up Thorpe as an example of Republican insurrection against Obama and the federal government.

Apr 13, 2015

Well done, sir

Arizona’s political world is in mourning today (April 10) after former Gov. Raúl Castro, the only Latino elected to the state’s highest office, passed away at the age of 98.


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