Feds throw out complaint targeting Hayworth show

The Federal Election Commission has dismissed a complaint alleging that J.D. Hayworth improperly used his former Phoenix-area radio show in his bid to unseat Arizona Sen. John McCain.

Former Attorney General Grant Woods, a McCain ally, filed the campaign finance complaint in December.

Woods argued that Hayworth’s use of his three-hour radio show on KFYI amounted to an illegal “in-kind” donation from the station.

Hayworth hadn’t yet announced that he would challenge McCain in the Aug. 24 Republican primary. His last broadcast was in late January.

Elections authorities dismissed Woods’ complaint on June 10. The commission found that Hayworth’s radio show fell under a provision of federal law allowing political commentary.


  1. There is justice after all! Grant woods is the scum of the earth!
    Any of his assessments are only geared to self serve. Thank God
    others can see through him. He taints everything he touches. Keep
    him out of our government!

  2. Grant Woods has more to offer this state than Brewer, McCain, and Hayworth combined.

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