Hayworth finds tape of McCain with disgraced donor

John McCain’s Republican primary challenger says a newly discovered video reveals that McCain had a closer relationship with a disgraced donor than the Arizona senator has let on.

J.D. Hayworth’s campaign released the video on Thursday. It shows McCain shaking hands and sharing pleasantries with convicted Ponzi schemer Scott Rothstein.

Rothstein donated thousands to McCain’s failed 2008 bid for president and raised thousands more from others. His campaign has dismissed Rothstein as just one of many fundraisers.

A McCain spokesman says the senator had no way to know about Rothstein’s scam. He’s donated to charity $9,200 he received directly from Rothstein.

Hayworth spokesman Mark Sanders says McCain must come clean about his relationship with the admitted Ponzi schemer.


  1. J.D. Hayworth has no shame. He is a despicable and desperate man looking for financial opportunities. He isn’t worthy to be on the same platform as Sen. McCain.

  2. Vaclav T. Buchtapeaka

    Hey Hey Hey and Ho Ho Ho … Ol Man McCain Has Got To Go !

    I hope Hayworth finds video footage of Ol Man McCain with his good buddy Charlie Keating as well !

    Old Man McCain should retire and start spending some of his Cindy’s millions of Budweiser Bucks before he folloes Robert Byrd into the grave !

    Disrespectfully yours,
    Vaclav of Prague

  3. Amen Ted.

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