Latecomer Hay catching up in CD-1

Sydney Hay (file photo)

Sydney Hay (file photo)

Flagstaff dentist Paul Gosar had the best fundraising quarter of Democratic Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick’s GOP challengers, but mining lobbyist Sydney Hay made a strong showing despite her late entry into the race.

Hay has raised $67,000 and leads the GOP field in cash on hand with nearly $145,000, including $100,000 she loaned her campaign. Hay, the 2008 Republican nominee, did not raise as much as Gosar last quarter, but boasted that the money was raised in a little more than a month because she did not enter the race until mid May. Her first fundraiser was on May 27, she said.

Hay said she benefits from the name identification she has from 2008 campaign.

“The good news is I have millions of dollars of name ID that the Democrats bought and paid for,” Hay said, refering attack ads from the 2008 campaign. “So I’m starting with such a tremendous financial advantage because of that.”

Gosar raised about $87,000 and has $130,000 cash on hand. He has raised a total of $366,000 so far.

Attorney Bradley Beauchamp raised $39,000 in the quarter with $54,000 in cash on hand, and former state Sen. Russell Bowers raised about $32,000. Show Low doctor Steve Mehta raised $37,000.

Kirkpatrick, the first-term incumbent, has nearly $900,000 in the bank. Kirkpatrick raised about $229,000 last quarter, about $83,000 of which was contributed by political action committees.

“We are pleased with our fundraising progress, and we know that this will be a competitive campaign. Ann is focusing on her work on behalf of her constituents – bringing jobs to greater Arizona and restoring fiscal discipline in Washington,” Kirkpatrick spokesman Michael Frias said. “That’s what folks have been calling for. Congresswoman Kirkpatrick is looking forward to a substantive, lively campaign.”

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