Gary Pierce

Gary Pierce

Gary Pierce

Pierce, Gary (Republican)

Phone: (480) 615-0524
2625 N. 24th St., Unit 10, Mesa, AZ 85213

Age: 57 (7/29/52, Urbana, IL).

Arizona since: 1960.

Occupation: Commissioner, AZ Corporation Commission, since 2007; marketing consultant, Americopy, since 2002; AZ legislator, 2001-2006; small business owner of Honda/Nissan new car dealership, Budget Rent-a-Car franchise and a Shell gas station.

Marital: Married (Sherry).

Children: 4; 9 grandchildren.

Religious preference: LDS.

Education: Utility Regulatory School, Michigan State University, 2007; B.A., education, ASU, 1974; A.A., Mesa Community College, 1972.

Political experience:  Yuma County Supervisor, 1993-97; AZ House, 2001-06 (majority whip, 2005-06).

Memberships have included: Mesa United Way, board of directors; Rotary International; Salvation Army, board of directors; Hospital Foundation, board of directors; City of Yuma Board of Adjustment; Maricopa County Planning & Zoning Commission; Maricopa County Department of Transportation Advisory Board; Yuma County Board of Health; Emergency Planning Committee; Flood Control District, board of directors; Library District, board of directors; Yuma Economic Development Corporation; Little League coach; assistant scout master, Boy Scouts of America.

Interests: Spending time with my family, physical training and reading.


Political influence: Abraham Lincoln.

Top priority: My top priority on the commission has been, and will continue to be, keeping utility rates low and reasonable for Arizona ratepayers. The other objectives I have, such as expanding our use of renewable energy and increasing conservation of our scarce resources, yield to my primary responsibility to protect the pocketbooks of captive utility customers.

Renewable energy: Due to the negative externalities (such as water consumption and harmful breathing air emissions) associated with conventional power generation, I support the establishment of a renewable energy standard. While I recognize the inherent risks and arbitrariness associated with governmental mandates, I do not believe market forces, acting in laissez faire fashion, sufficiently recognize and mitigate the negative externalities associated with power generation. Of course, the cost of renewable electrons must be competitive if they are to be a part of the long term solution to Arizona’s energy portfolio.

Privatization: I do not believe the Corporation Commission should regulate the providers of competitive telecommunications services. I also do not believe the commission should regulate the rates charged by solar energy companies doing business via solar service agreements. The solar energy market is extremely competitive, and consequently, I think the commission will do more harm than good trying to regulate the rates charged by solar companies.

Control costs: All good corporation commissioners recognize that the laws of economics are like the laws of gravity: if we pretend they do not apply to our decisions, we usually end up flat on our faces and do more harm than good. This means we must scrutinize every application for a rate increase to ensure that the utility’s business practices are sound and have the wisdom and courage to authorize a rate increase when it is justified and the strength and conviction to say no when it is not.

Background & experience: As a former small business owner with over 70 employees, I assure you that I know what individuals and business owners are facing every day in trying to pay the charges assessed to them by the utilities. If you talk with people who closely follow the actions of the Corporation Commission over the last four years, whether they are ratepayer advocates or utility representatives, they will generally acknowledge that my track record on the commission is one of dispassionately weighing the competing interests in the room and attempting to arrive at a balanced resolution.

Campaign finance: public.

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