Demographics (per 2000 census)
Total Population 170,070
White 72.20%
Hispanic 18.37%
Black 3.69%
Asian 3.10%
Native American 1.53%
Other 1.10%
Voter Registration (October 1, 2009)
Democrat 37,435 45.2%
Other 23,353 28.2%
Republican 22,054 26.6%
Voting Age Population 137,133
White 75.87%
Hispanic 15.48%
Black 3.17%
Asian 3.07%
Native American 1.43%
Other 0.98%
Employment Status
Civilian Labor Force 85,022
Unemployed 5.2%
Median Per Capita Income $19,926
Military Service (% of population 18 and older) 14.7%
Poverty Level
Below poverty 16.4%
Employment (by industry, top three)
Retail trade 12.4%
Hospitality 9.2%
Construction 6.6%
0-18 years 20.2%
19-44 years 43.3%
45-64 years 20.6%
65 and older 15.8%
Education (age > 25)
Did not complete H.S. 11.3%
High school diploma (or equiv.) 21.3%
Some college 27.7%
Associate (or voc.) degree 8.9%
Bachelor’s degree 19.4%
Graduate degree 11.3%