Dudikoff, Sydney (write-in candidate)
Phone: (520) 308-4561
Email: sdudikoff@gmail.com
Website: www.electsydneydudikoffcommittee.us
3750 E. Via Palomita #31-201, Tucson, AZ 85718
Age: 58 (2/09/52, Hermosillo, Mexico).
Arizona since: not available
Occupation:Teacher: Mesa Public Schools, since 2010, 2005-06; Casa Grande Elementary School, 2006-07; Creighton Elementary Schools, 2000-05.
Marital: Divorced.
Children: 2.
Religious preference: Catholic.
Education: M.A., education, ASU, 2003; B.A., English, ASU, 1998; elementary and secondary teaching certificate.
Political experience includes: None.
Memberships have included: Founder of Lilpoets Inc.
Interests: Nonprofits involvement in literacy, senior care, education and medical assistance for people below or at poverty levels.
Political influence: President Bill Clinton.
Top priority:The economy and jobs for Americans.
Respected opponent: Richard Nixon. He had economic and stimulus relief during his administration.
Wall Street bailout: I don’t think (Bush) had a choice. If Wall Street had collapsed, this country would have succumbed to a deeper recession and perhaps a depression.
Stimulus Act: Again, no choice. (Obama) has to act in order to sustain our economy. “If a roof is leaking, one must find a means to protect the home – money or none at all.”
Health care overhaul:It is necessary so that every American man, woman and child has access to medical care.