Hulburd puts $250,000 into his campaign

Jon Hulburd gave himself a boost in his bid for Arizona’s 3rd Congressional District, writing a $250,000 check to his campaign.

The Democratic nominee, an attorney whose wife’s family owns household products giant SC Johnson, put the cash into his campaign on Oct. 8, according to a recent campaign finance report. The contribution, the first major donation Hulburd made to his own campaign, puts Hulburd’s total fundraising for the campaign cycle at about $1.3 million.

“Jon’s personal investment shows he’s not beholden to anyone and will be an independent voice for Arizona,” said Hulburd spokesman Josh Abner.

Hulburd’s fundraising has been impressive and he still had about $412,000 in cash on hand when the reporting period ended on Oct. 13. But his Republican rival still has a significant edge. Ben Quayle’s most recent campaign finance report showed about $2.1 million raised for the campaign cycle, with about $453,000 on hand.

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