Pearce appoints himself Rules chair, creates new committees

Incoming Senate President Russell Pearce will concurrently chair the powerful Senate Rules Committee, one of the most sought-after positions at the Capitol.

In announcing committee chairpersons on Nov. 12, Pearce also created new committees, including Border Security, Federalism and States’ Sovereignty, as well as one on job creation.

This indicates the direction the chamber will go next year.

Sen. Sylvia Allen, a Republican from Snowflake, will lead the new Border Security panel. She was also appointed president pro tempore.

It remains to be seen if Allen’s committee will take the lead in hearing immigration-related bills or proposals that touch on states’ rights. Many major immigration measures had gone to the Appropriations Committee, which Pearce chaired in the past.

A new committee was also formed to focus on job creation. Sen.-elect Michele Reagan will chair that panel, called the Economic Development and Jobs Creation Committee.

Some of the committees reflect a chairperson’s legislative interests.

Sen. Al Melvin, a Tucson Republican, was appointed to chair the Commerce and Energy Committee, which also will be a new addition next session. Melvin is an advocate of nuclear energy.

As Senate president, Pearce will assign bills to committees and schedule floor action.

But as chairman of the Rules Committee, Pearce will also have control over legislation after bills are passed at the committee level and before they are debated and voted on by the full Senate.

All legislation must have the approval of the Rules Committee, which looks into the constitutional and technical aspects of all bills.

The move is not unprecedented. Outgoing Senate President Bob Burns also was Rules chairman the past two years.

Three freshmen lawmakers — Don Shooter, Lori Klein and Steve Smith — will chair Appropriations sub-committees.

Committee asignments for Senate members had not been released as of Nov. 18.

Senate Committee Chairmen

Appropriations – Sen.-elect Andy Biggs
Appropriations Subcommittee on Rural Issues, Education & Natural Resources* – Sen.-elect Don Shooter
Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Welfare* – Sen.-elect Lori Klein
Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation & Criminal Justice* – Sen.-elect Steve Smith
Water and Rural Development* – Sen.-elect Gail Griffin
Border Security, Federalism, and States’ Sovereignty* – Sen. Sylvia Allen
Economic Development and Jobs Creation* – Sen.-elect Michele Reagan
Commerce and Energy* – Sen. Al Melvin
Education – Sen.-elect Rich Crandall
Finance – Sen.-elect Steve Yarbrough
Government Reform – Sen. Frank Antenori
Healthcare and Medical Liability Reform – Sen.-elect Nancy Barto
Judiciary – Sen. Ron Gould
Natural Resources and Transportation – Sen. John Nelson
Public Safety and Human Services – Sen. Linda Gray
Veterans and Military Affairs – Sen.-elect Adam Driggs
Banking and Insurance* – Sen.-elect John McComish
Rules – Senate President Russell Pearce
Joint Legislative Audit Committee – Sen.-elect Rick Murphy
* Indicates new committee


  1. Congrats to all the Committee Chairs! I look forward to working with you.

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