Ackerley, Chris

Republican – Legislative District 2 House

Phone: (520) 406-8946



Facebook: Chris Ackerley

Address: 140 E Camino Limon Verde , Sahuarita, AZ 85629

Age: 42. (06/10/72, Tucson, AZ).

Arizona since: Birth

Occupation: High school physics teacher since 2000.

Marital: Married

Children: 2

Education: Post graduate work, NAU & ASU, 1999-2001; B.S. physical science, NAU, 1999; Green Fields CDS, 1990.

Political experience: Precinct committeeman; LD2 2nd vice-chair.

Two biggest issues: Strengthening public education. I will be focused on returning control to local districts, simplifying the funding mechanisms, and starting an honest conversation about assessment and evaluation. Closing the divide between Maricopa County and the rest of the state. A strong Arizona will require that the interests of all areas of the state are served. As a representative that will be focused on effective public policy rather than ideology, I intend to ensure southern Arizona has a voice at the Capitol.

Budget priorities: Public education, public safety, wise investment in public infrastructure. I would not advocate for any tax cut or increase in isolation. Arizona’s tax structure needs to be addressed comprehensively. We need to have a broad conversation about revenue and funding mechanisms. Of course, this can only be accomplished if the public has faith that the Legislature will reflect the interests of the state at large.

Fiscal philosophy: Did not respond.

Common Core: Arizona needs to take a giant pause before implementing an assessment scheme to replace AIMS, take a few steps back, and re-evaluate the course forward. The Common Core standards have become so divisive, and their implementation in many areas so badly managed, that any improvement they may have offered is now obscured. Over the last decade, a lot of bad policy has been created centered on high-stakes assessment. These policies need to be revisited and corrected before we can have a productive conversation about standards.

Gifts to elected officials: For every campaign or lobbing regulation, someone will invent two ways to work around it. I believe the key is requiring full disclosure and transparency.

Transparency in government: There is nothing more important, from local school boards to the highest levels of the federal government, than transparency. And it encompasses more than just procedures. Much of what is missing from modern politics is the spirit of transparency.

Pro-life / pro-choice: All life is sacred.

Public policy advice: Did not respond.