Democrat – Legislative District 29 House
Phone: (602) 690-8007
Address: 6178 North 87th Lane, Glendale, AZ 85305
Age: 50. (02/27/64, Winslow, AZ).
Arizona since: Birth; returned in 1983
Occupation: Certified locomotive engineer, BNSF Railway, since 1994.
Marital: Married
Education: U.S. Air Force leadership schools; Gallup H.S., 1982.
Political experience: Alternative legislative rep, United Transportation Union, 1081; champion of Fabian’s Law, HB2137 (Chap 213, Laws 2011).
Interests: Traveling, history, movies, model building (wooden ships).
Two biggest issues: The economy. We need to attract better paying jobs to our state, jobs with benefits, retirement and health care. We need to protect worker and union rights. We need to protect public employees like police and fireman. Equal pay for women. Equal access to quality education. We need to adequately fund our public schools to prepare our children for the 21st century.
Budget priorities: Education. The Empowerment Scholarship Account allows a savings account for students who qualify for this program. This is money that needs to be put back into our public schools and not a savings account for those that qualify. We need to quit giving tax breaks to businesses that claim that they are going to create great paying jobs, which in reality do not. Tax breaks need to go to small businesses that do create much needed jobs.
Fiscal philosophy: When people have great incomes, they spend money, which in turn generates revenue in the form of tax dollars. They buy houses, appliances, vehicles, go out and eat and spend. Our state cannot continue in the direction it is going by not attracting good paying jobs. When we attract businesses it means construction jobs for the labor trades. We need to rebuild our infrastructure with more lightrail and other commuter services, which in turn generates jobs. When benefits are provided by businesses, such as health care, people become less reliant on government funded health care, which lessens the burden on the taxpayers and allows tax dollars to go where it is much needed.
Common Core: We need to prepare our children for the demands of the 21st century. The lack of an outstanding education system in our state is preventing businesses that want to move to Arizona.
Gifts to elected officials: Introducing or supporting legislation that does reform state laws on gifts. I do not believe in entitlement.
Transparency in government: It promotes honesty.
Pro-life / pro-choice: I am pro-choice. A woman’s medical decision should only be between herself and her physician.
Public policy advice: Labor groups, research and other legislators.