Democrat – Legislative District 3 Senate
Phone: (520) 333-7378
Facebook: Sal Baldenegro
Address: 1505 W Saint Marys Rd # 118, Tucson, AZ 85745
Age: 37. (09/01/76, Tucson, AZ).
Arizona since: Birth
Occupation: Media center technician, Desert View HS, since 2013; boys’ soccer coach, Desert View HS, since 2012; leadership academy instructor, TRiO Upward Bound, 2012-13.
Marital: Married
Education: B.A., media arts, UofA, 2006; Tucson HS, 1994.
Political experience: Canvasser for Ed Pastor for Congress, Raul Grijalva for Congress, Randy Parraz for Senate, Sally Ann Gonzales for AZ House, Macario Saldate for AZ House; campaign manager, Wenona Benally Baldenegro for Congress.
Interests: Reading, hiking, and coaching youth soccer.
Two biggest issues: We must build a sustainable economy, to create clean, living-wage jobs that will preserve our environment and ensure clean air and water. Massive solar energy development will bring millions to Arizona and create jobs. There is no reason why Arizona should not be the number one solar energy state in the nation. In addition to this, nothing is more important than our children’s education. We must fight back against the attacks on public education, and bring back funding to our schools. It is abhorrent that the Legislature has illegally withheld $2.9 billion from Arizona children, in violation of voter-mandated requirements.
Budget priorities: We cannot afford to extend more giveaways to wealthy corporations, while, at the same time, cutting funding to schools, health care, and Child Protective Services. By reducing corporate giveaways, we will increase revenues and continue to provide these vital services to Arizonans.
Fiscal philosophy: I believe in responsible spending. Our government has a duty to provide basic services to the people, and what is irresponsible is slashing these services, while giving away breaks to wealthy corporations. It is also irresponsible for some legislators to refuse federal Medicaid dollars that will help the people of Arizona. I reject any efforts to refuse health care to Arizonans, simply to spite President Obama. Finally, it is irresponsible to illegally withhold billions of dollars from our children and schools, in violation of voter-mandated requirements.
Common Core: I have concerns about standardized testing as it pertains to both students and teachers. However, if we are to implement Common Core, then we must stop the defunding of public education and bring back resources and funding to our schools. It is a breach of duty for legislators to strip schools of the funding and resources that they need to succeed, while increasing expectations for students and teachers.
Gifts to elected officials: Free gifts taint the legislative process, because they allow wealthy donors to have improper influence on legislators. I will co-sponsor legislation to outlaw free gifts to lawmakers.
Transparency in government: I fully believe in government transparency. In order for the people to have full faith in government and the democratic process, we must be as open and transparent as possible. I support all efforts to provide transparency in government, and I will co-sponsor legislation to ensure this.
Pro-life / pro-choice: I firmly believe in a woman’s right to choose. My mother, Cecilia Cruz-Baldenegro, is a founding member of the Pima County/Tucson Women’s Commission, and I grew up instilled with strong values of women’s rights and gender equality. I will stand up for these values, and I will reject any efforts to legislate what a woman can or cannot do with her own body.
Public policy advice: The first people that I turn to for advice are LD3 constituents. In addition, I have several advisors who I turn to for public policy advice. They include Sen. Steve Gallardo, Rep. Sally Ann Gonzales, and Rep. Macario Saldate.