Bennett, Ken

Republican – Governor

Phone: (602) 492-5531



Facebook: Ken Bennett

Twitter: @bennettarizona

Age: 54. (08/01/59, Tucson, AZ).

Arizona since: Birth

Occupation: Secretary of State since 2009; board member, Cancer Treatment Center of American, since 2008; CEO, Bennett Oil Co., 1985-2007.

Marital: Married

Children: 3

Education: B.S., accounting, ASU, 1984; Prescott H.S., 1977.

Political experience: AZ Charter Schools Board, 1995-98; AZ State Board of Education, 1991-98; Prescott City Council, 1985-89.

Legis exp: Senate 1999-2007, president, 2003-07, majority leader, 2002.

Interests: Grandkids, sports, music.

GOV – Two biggest issues: Economy and education: We will focus on growing our economy at a much faster pace so more Arizonan’s have jobs and real-wage growth to support them and their families. We will make our education system the best in the country by insuring teachers get the resources they need to prepare our students for the careers of tomorrow.

GOV – Budget priorities: Education and public safety: Creating more taxpayers through economic growth [and] temporary help for those without other options. Every state agency should be looking for ways to be more efficient and effective with the taxpayers’ hard-earned money. The best way to increase revenues is to grow the economy.

GOV – Fiscal philosophy: Spend less than you make. Save for times of crisis. Prevent problems whenever possible. Fix problems when they’re small. Invest for the future.

GOV – Job creation: Reasonable and low cost of doing business and a high talent-producing education system.

GOV – Common Core : I oppose Common Core as it currently stands, but would not scrap it without knowing exactly how we plan to replace or improve it. As governor, I will convene a group of educators, parents, and business leaders to reevaluate the standards so that they best serve Arizona students. We cannot allow the federal government or third parties to dictate or interfere with Arizona’s right to educate our children as we see fit.

GOV – Medicaid expansion: I do not support how Medicaid expansion was adopted. I believe this action required a 2/3 vote of the Legislature, and I would not have proceeded without the support of legislative leadership. Additionally, I have serious concerns about the federal government’s takeover of health care and their ability to sustain current levels of funding. As governor, I would consider all options regarding its implementation going forward.

GOV – Pro-life / Pro-choice: I am pro-life. Abortion should be allowed in cases of preserving the mother’s life and rape/incest.

ALL – Public policy advice: Experts in the field, especially the consumers and providers in that field or industry.