Bolding, Reginald

Democrat – Legislative District 27 House

Phone: (602) 492-5715



Facebook: Reginald Bolding

Twitter: @reginaldbolding

Address: 6345 W Harwell Rd , Laveen, AZ 85339

Arizona since: 2008

Occupation: Director, Public Partnership, Teach For America, since 2013; clinical instructor, Mary Lou Fulton Teacher’s College, 2011-13; executive director, Future Leaders of Arizona, since 2011.

Education: Ed.D., education policy and administration, ASU, expected 2015; M.Ed., special education w/ certification, ASU, 2010; B.S., international security and criminal justice, University of Cincinnati, 2008.

Political experience: Candidate, Arizona House of Representatives, LD27, 2012; Phoenix Union H.S. District Override; Roosevelt School District Override; Lawrence Robinson, Phoenix City Council; Greg Stanton, Mayor of Phoenix; Jason Williams, State Sup of Public Instruction.

Interests: Politico, sports, traveling, reading.

Two biggest issues: The two biggest issues affecting Arizona’s future is the quality of our public schools and our unemployed/underemployed workforce. In order to build a more vibrant Arizona, we must ensure all students in our state are prepared for high quality jobs in the future. To address this, I will support increased investment in our schools and more strategic collaboration between business and education. Additionally, I’ll continue to support high standards for students to ensure they are receiving the best education in this country. When our students leave high school, they should be prepared to either further their knowledge through higher education or enter a trade/career that allows them to make a decent living. If we want to grow our economy, we must ensure that all Arizonans have access to jobs and careers throughout the state. We need to improve our schools, so we can bring more high quality, high wage jobs to Arizona.

Budget priorities: The priorities for the budget have the ability to change from year to year. At this time, my biggest priorities are education and ensuring AHCCCS has been expanded in a way that will set up our state for long-term success. The state Legislature must cut expenditures and increase revenues based on the short term and long term priorities for the state.

Fiscal philosophy: I believe as a state we must invest in key priorities in which we believe will deliver short-term and long-term gains for the state. I believe that consistency and rational decision-making will enable the state to be fiscally responsible.

Common Core: I believe Arizona should continue to implement the Arizona College and Career Ready Standards. As a state we must continue to ensure our students are well-prepared by teaching them critical thinking and problem solving skills. With that said, I believe we must find responsible ways to measure the success of these standards outside of just standardized tests.

Gifts to elected officials: Yes, I believe reforms should be made to the state laws on gifts given to elected officials.

Transparency in government: I believe all actions in government should have some level of public transparency.

Pro-life / pro-choice: I support women and families right to choose their best health care options. This is not a state government decision.

Public policy advice: I turn to policy leaders in addition to doing research on issues myself.