Independent – Legislative District 22 House
Phone: (415) 971-4730
Address: 23024 N Giovota Drive, Sun City West, AZ 85375
Age: 69. (03/13/45, Harare, Zimbabwe, Africa).
Arizona since: 2005
Occupation: Small business owner, Business Systems Strategies Corporation, since 1995; Think Differently – It Hurts LLC, since 2005.
Marital: Married
Children: 4
Education: M.S., computer science, 1979; M.B.A., finance, information systems, University of Cape Town, 1977; B.A., Latin, sociology, University of South Africa, 1967.
Political experience: None.
Interests: Computing, foreign travel, hiking, surfing, biking, running, swimming, tennis, golf.
Two biggest issues: The two biggest issues facing Arizona’s future are the lack of awareness by the legislators and the voters, first, of the opportunities available to tackle the challenges of the future – term limits, financial control, education, health care – and, second, of the dangers of not tackling or even discussing these challenges. If elected, I plan to be noisy in a quiet way, making sure that the state and federal legislators and all voters become aware of these challenges and the options, incentives, limits and controls necessary we have to take to address them.
Budget priorities: My budget priorities are to reduce our dependence on federal handouts, to balance our budget each year, to pay off all debts and to contribute to a rainy day fund. We need to set up a group of five representatives from business, individual taxpayers, education, health and the rest to set their respective income and expense components of our 1 year, 5 year and 10 year state budgets for our Legislature. Fighting fires each year by wheeling and dealing is too dangerous.
Fiscal philosophy: Manage our state and federal finances exactly as we manage our own personal finances. Make a profit each year and set options, incentives, limits and controls to ensure we save for the rainy days in the future. Never under any circumstances steal from our children and our families without informing them beforehand and being prepared to serve jail sentences later.
Common Core: Developing students ready for the ‘smart ideas’ computing-based economy of the future depends mainly on students’ enthusiasm and determination to learn. These qualities come mainly from family and talented teachers – Common Core standards are not determinants or critical. We need to work with the federal government to set our own specific goals for our state within their Common Core standards.
Gifts to elected officials: Public service is free service to the public. Using opportunities in public service for personal gain is simply not on. We need 2-4 year term limits on all senior public service positions and maximum salaries of $96k per year. Officials then have wonderful opportunities to join the private sector in their own or others’ businesses for their personal gain.
Transparency in government: All senior public service officials and legislators should provide full disclosure of their financial, education and health records.
Pro-life / pro-choice: I wish every unborn child the chance to be born alive, and I wish every mother the chance to make her own decision about herself and her unborn. My mother had six miscarriages before she persisted and stayed in bed for six months to have me. If there is a clash and the mother decides to have an abortion, she might be smart and, first, to look at the option of adoption and, second, to record her views – she might need to revisit them later. In the same way we all need to record our views on our own education, health, employment and family, before taking major decisions – we might need to revisit them later. Making excuses and blaming our families, friends, neighbors and government is not acceptable. We are moving from government sponsored education and health care handouts to self family, friends, neighbor sponsored programs.
Public policy advice: Examples of policies of successful business and government and public officials as well as views of family, friends and neighbors.