Democrat – Legislative District 22 House
Phone: (623) 546-2514
Address: 12503 W Banyan Dr , Sun City West, AZ 85375
Age: 72. (02/24/42, Denver, CO).
Arizona since: 2000
Occupation: Currently retired. Social worker, Hospice of the Valley, 2003-13; former instructor, University of Denver and ASU graduate schools of social work; retired as an administrator at the Division of Child Welfare, State of Colorado.
Marital: Married
Children: 2
Education: Master’s degree, social work, University of Denver, 1972.
Political experience: None.
Interests: Political activist, volunteering, travel, outdoor enthusiast, bicycling, hiking, writing.
Two biggest issues: Arizona’s child protection system is broken. As a former executive in Colorado child protective services, I understand the problems and know solutions, including gaining additional federal funding. Education is Arizona’s second greatest challenge. Funding cuts should be restored and all types of education delivery systems need standards and to be held accountable.
Budget priorities: Child protection services, adult protection services, and education are priorities. I would maximize federal funding. I would reduce profits for private prisons.
Fiscal philosophy: I am a moderate. I believe in a balanced budget. I also believe government should create a desirable place for businesses to flourish and jobs to develop. Quality health care is essential to a flourishing economy. Community safety for children and seniors must receive adequate funding.
Common Core: School districts have already spent three years and countless dollars to implement the standards. There is more work to do, as the standards must articulate with the education programs and the evaluation system. The standards should continue to be researched and evaluated to prove their effectiveness. The U.S. and Arizona economies require a well-educated work force. College and career readiness makes good sense. Programs should also be directed toward matching education with workforce needs.
Gifts to elected officials: I believe elected official should not receive gifts.
Transparency in government: I am a strong supporter of transparency. The Legislature represents the people and the public deserves access, active participation and input.
Pro-life / pro-choice: I am pro-choice, recognizing that this decision is best made between a woman, her family and her doctor.
Public policy advice: I research widely. I depend of the League of Women Voters to take well-considered positions on issues. I also look to the American Association of University Women for guidance.