Campbell, Noel

Republican – Legislative District 1 House

Phone: (928) 776-7030



Address: 146 N Mount Vernon Ave , Prescott, AZ 86301

Age: 72. (12/01/41, Miline, IL).

Arizona since: 1950

Occupation: Small business owner, The Chapel Inn (Prescott), since 2001.

Marital: Divorced

Children: 2

Education: B.S., business, ASU, 1965; St. Mary’s HS, 1960.

Political experience: Candidate, LD-1, 2010.

Interests: I fly my own experimental airplane and ride motorcycles.

Two biggest issues: The first issue is the Arizona economy. I will do all that I can to promote sustainable growth. I believe we can bring new businesses to Arizona by reforming our tax code to make it more business friendly. I would never vote to harm the economy of our state in any form or fashion. The second issue that will affect our future is water. Here in Arizona, we must take all steps to conserve and mitigate our water use so as to ensure that we have adequate water resources for both the present and future. This issue of water will loom large in the coming years.

Budget priorities: My budget priorities are to help make our state government as lean and efficient as possible by reviewing every program to see if there is any fraud, waste or abuse. I believe that we could privatize the DMV and save a substantial amount of taxpayer money. We have such an example here in Prescott with a private firm that can handle all aspects of registration, licensing, etc.

Fiscal philosophy: I am a fiscal conservative who will be a watchdog for the taxpayers of our state.

Common Core: ABSOLUTELY NOT! The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. We do not need the federal government or any other outsiders telling us how to run our education system. We have smart educators here who are local that can set our own standards and educate our students.

Gifts to elected officials: We already have the laws on gifts to our elected officials. These laws need to be enforced and not overlooked as they have been in the past.

Transparency in government: Without transparency in government, there can be no public trust in those who would govern us and without such trust; there can be no effective government. Without public notice, there can be no effective participation of our citizens in the events that shape their lives thus creating a wider gap between citizens and their government.

Pro-life / pro-choice: I am pro-life.

Public policy advice: I will turn for advice to any citizen who has common sense and a good heart that wishes for the best for the people of Arizona.