Republican – Legislative District 23 House
Phone: (602)717-9811
Facebook: Effie Carlson
Address: 8432 E Plaza Ave , Scottsdale, AZ 85250
Age: 32. (07/05/81, Phoenix, AZ).
Arizona since: Birth
Occupation: Small business owner, Best Practice Management, LLC, since 2009.
Marital: Married
Children: 3
Education: B.A., psychology, ASU, 2004; homeschooled, 1997.
Interests: I am a mother of three and small business owner. I am lucky my hobbies and interests intersect with that aspect of my life. However, I am a first soprano in a women’s community choir, Valley Women’s Ensemble, and that is my main personal interest and hobby.
Two biggest issues: Education and the economy. Regarding education, it is important we reinvest in that system to ensure we are providing the knowledge base and skill set for all of Arizona’s children, getting dollars back into the classroom and ensuring great pay for great teachers. To make that investment possible we must devise strategic, economic policy that will increase revenue and stabilize our revenue streams overall.
Budget priorities: Government is a moving target and what is needed today will change tomorrow. Good leadership understands this dynamic and is constantly assessing both the short term needs (like education funding) and overall long term solutions. Generally, the solution to most issues relating to the state are the issues surrounding stable economic growth.
Fiscal philosophy: I am a reverse engineer by nature and always start with the desired outcome before laying out the path. For example, how much does it cost to educate a child in this state? We have to start investing in outcomes. This is accomplished first by identifying and then defining so we can be purposeful in the policies and money that will shape that future.
Common Core: Yes, if for no other reason than each time there is sweeping educational reform there are generational gaps for students who are in-between the different systems. We have also invested millions of dollars in the implementation of the standards and hundreds of hours in teacher training. In the end, an “either/or” approach only hurts the children, teachers and tax payers. We need to address any concerns and adapt as needed to provide the most opportunity and choice for all of Arizona’s children and families.
Gifts to elected officials: Did not respond.
Transparency in government: Transparency in government is paramount to rebuilding trust with the voters and moving the state forward.
Pro-life / pro-choice: I am pro-life.
Public policy advice: It depends on the subject. It is important for anyone in a leadership role to recognize they do not have all the answers or the perfect perspective. I will always ask questions and strive to know more. It is all about finding the right information for the best outcome for my district and the state.