Republican – Legislative District 8 House
Phone: (520) 413-7899
Facebook: Darla Dawald
Twitter: @darladawald
Address: 1328 E Judi Dr , Casa Grande, AZ 85122
Age: 50. (08/19/63, Kansas City, MO).
Arizona since: 1992-2000; 2005
Occupation: Small business owner; national director, Grassroots Action Inc., 2009-14; former health care administrator, Petrified Forest Medical Center and Mid America Rheumatology Consultants, 1993-2002.
Marital: Married
Education: Some college and training courses (train the trainer, business administration, and health care administration); Millington Central H.S., 1982.
Political experience: Grassroots activist and coordinator, assisted with election cycles in 2010-14; national speaker, National Bus Tour (speaker) for GOTV efforts.
Interests: Singing, reading, traveling, crafts, painting.
Two biggest issues: Obamacare: I plan to do everything I can to opt Arizona back out of Obamacare and replace this law with common sense legislation that will serve Arizona’s health care needs while ensuring a prosperous Arizona by maintaining a sensible budget. Jobs: The government cannot “create” jobs. However, the government is responsible for creating a job friendly environment or a job-killing environment. Over-regulation, excessive permitting requirements and excessive taxes are job killers. We must proactively reduce taxes on small business, reduce regulations and permitting requirements, and repeal or sunset laws that obstruct the growth of small business.
Budget priorities: A balanced budget. Seek out and remove wasteful spending. Increase revenue by increasing jobs/employment and collecting revenue by follow through on current established fees. Pinal County needs to receive their share of HURF funds.
Fiscal philosophy: Free markets and prudent government spending. Controlling government debt. The government does not have the right to run up large debts and then lay the burden on the taxpayer.
Common Core: The same people that introduced Common Core also brought us other programs; they didn’t work either! The answer is in local control and school choice. Parents need to be a part of the solution.
Gifts to elected officials: All activity/contributions should be open, declared and reported.
Transparency in government: I believe in an open and transparent government. All government activity should be readily available to the public.
Pro-life / pro-choice: I am pro-life and believe in the sanctity of life.
Public policy advice: My family, constituents, and constitutional law scholars.