Dial, Jeff

Republican – Legislative District 18 Senate

Phone: (480) 203-9616

Email: jd@jeffdial.com

Website: www.jeffdial.org

Facebook: Jeff Dial

Twitter: @jeffdial

Address: 2936 W Gregg Dr, Chandler, AZ 85224

Age: 38. (04/04/76, Covina, CA).

Arizona since: 1998

Occupation: Realtor.

Marital: Single

Education: B.A., political science, ASU, 2004.

Political experience: State committeeman, Republican Party, since 2007; precinct committeeman since 2002; precinct captain, Republican Party, various years; candidate, State Representative LD 20, 2008 and 2004; volunteered or interned with over 30 local, statewide, congressional and presidential campaigns.

Legis exp: House since 2011.

Interests: I enjoy exploring the Arizona outdoors, whether it is through hiking the mountains, biking around, or simply driving out to scenic areas. I am an avid golfer and powerlifter. Also, when I have the time I enjoy reading books and watching films, I also read the news to keep up on political matters and current events.

Two biggest issues: I currently consider the economic development of the state and our education system to be the two most important issues that Arizona continues to face. Arizona has to keep its economic growth stably growing, namely by providing a good, less regulated business environment. The state also has to figure out a way by which we can ensure our school funding is properly spent so that the state can ensure that students are well educated.

Budget priorities: My top spending priority is education; we have to make sure that the children of the state have a legitimate pathway to successful careers in their early adulthood. Also, I support cutting wasteful spending by auditing various government agencies and promoting the utilization of new technologies.

Fiscal philosophy: As a representative of the people of Arizona, my constitutional duty is to do what the people see fit. We have to use these hardworking Arizonans’ tax dollars responsibility to ensure the necessary functions of government, while also ensuring a fiscally healthy Arizona for our posterity. With regards to taxation, I endorse a low, simplified, broad based system that allows families to thrive in our state.

Common Core: Although I do believe that our students must be held up to a high standard of academic success, I don’t believe that the federal government should be dictating how we, as Arizonans, educate our children. As a state we have to verify that the money we spend on education ends up in the classroom and provides both teachers and students the resources necessary to perform at a high level.

Gifts to elected officials: Perception is reality and so although I am not personally influenced by gifts, I support reforms that would give the public greater confidence in the legislative process.

Transparency in government: I believe that transparency in government is essential and that our legislative process is currently quite transparent. However, the level of public involvement is disappointing. We have to continue to think of creative ways to bring the people closer to the government, a fine example of which would be the AZVoices initiative. I strongly support using new technological means to improve public participation in government.

Pro-life / pro-choice: I am pro-life and I support efforts to improve educational programs and access to health care for women to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies in Arizona.

Public policy advice: I always look to political visionaries such as President Ronald Reagan and Senator Barry Goldwater; also I rely on my family and fellow legislators. On key point issues, I like to get the input of stakeholders in the decision, as well as getting the opinions of various folks throughout my legislative district.