Independent – Governor
Phone: (602) 349-9501
Address: 20827 N 27th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85027
Age: 51. (01/08/63, San Diego, CA).
Arizona since: 1995
Occupation: Paralegal since 2008; owner/data recovery specialist, Redline Computer Services, 2003-08; senior field superintendent, Ecker Enterprises Inc./Gypsum Construction, 2001-02; foreman, Eliason And Knuth Of Arizona, 1997-2001.
Marital: Single
Children: 1
Education: Associate of Applied Science, paralegal studies, Kaplan University, 2012.
Political experience: Campaign manager, Mayoral Candidate Fred Weber, Colorado Springs, CO.
Interests: I enjoy the outdoors: 4-wheeling, camping, prospecting and snowboarding. I enjoy research and study of subject matter both current as well as historic. I am a semi-professional photographer, and I enjoy digital as well as film photography. I still have a complete darkroom.
GOV – Two biggest issues: Poverty/homelessness/hunger: assisting the state’s poor back to economic health through self-sustaining reform programs, rather than giving a handout. Temporary tent communities set up on state trust lands. Creating manufacturing facilities that produce photovoltaic products and a deployment administration to start filling isolated areas with fields of panels. The potential for clean energy production in Arizona is limitless. Jobs, revenue, reduction of pollution. Re-establishing confidence in government. Transparency in the governance begins with political leaders taking responsibility for their failures. Getting a grip on government spending by taking an honest look at where the money went and reassessing if those expenditures would still be beneficial to the needs of the present and future. End wasteful legislation, which establishes law purely to create revenue, or further encroaches upon diminishing freedoms and liberties. Trend back toward the Constitution’s intent.
GOV – Budget priorities: Assemble a committee to accurately inventory procurements over the preceding 50 years. What is kept, what gets liquidated, what is needless future expenditure. Take a census on state-funded personnel, redistribute/reassign rather than reduce. Eliminate individual income tax, if you put it back in the pocket of the consumer it will stimulate economic growth through consumer spending. Lend consideration to state run minerals/precious metals mining/exploration. There’s a wealth within our borders, still undiscovered, commanding market value that was unimaginable during the gold rush era. Mandate that lawmakers and budget planners submit extensive research findings and accurate feasibility studies on projects they expect the state to fund. Hold the federal government to a higher accountability for transactions and commerce involving Arizona money interests. Re-evaluate Federal mandates, which needlessly leach state revenues, eliminate obsolescence, [and] enforce sunset law expiration.
GOV – Fiscal philosophy: Arizona has the potential to be the wealthiest state in the Union. Through development of our natural resources, energy production, made possible due to our ideal geographical location, could jump start the economy as well as create sufficient jobs to employ the state’s entire population (manufacturing, deployment, maintenance, sales). Arizona’s quality of life/standard of living would be the envy of the nation. Reinvesting revenue into education, technology and infrastructure. We must venture into the era of clean energy through wind and sun; it is the solution to the present state of economic hardship, which our citizens endure, as will our children endure. The middle class is nearly extinct; there are the wealthy and the poor. Anyone in the middle is either on their way to becoming rich or on their way to becoming poor.
GOV – Job creation: Harvest sun and wind.
GOV – Common Core : [Common Core] is a starting point or a benchmark, for one standard of measure; however, our children are our most valuable resource. An alternative solution I propose is to form a scouting committee to establish who are the best educators and education administrators globally. Seek these people out and pay them whatever is necessary to bring them to Arizona. Other countries are producing better-educated children than we are; what are they doing differently? We need to assess their techniques for value that we may incorporate into our own system.
GOV – Medicaid expansion: This is one for the legislators to haggle. If we were in better economic standing, we could probably fund our own health care program.
GOV – Pro-life / Pro-choice: It is morally wrong to take the life of unborn children.
ALL – Public policy advice: I discuss the issues with peers, family acquaintances and others the issues genuinely effect. Who can one turn to for trustworthy advice on public policy issues? Elected officials?
Earlier this questionnaire inquires: What political experience do I bring? I responded: None. It is reasonable to conclude by current public opinion over the state of our government, that the present political leaders’ level of beneficial experience in office has not proven to be of significant value.