Democrat – Governor
Facebook: Fred Duval
Twitter: @fredduval
Address: 208 W Portland St, #159 , Phoenix, AZ 85003
Age: 60. (05/24/54, Ridgewood, NJ).
Arizona since: 1964
Occupation: Vice president, Clean Energy Fuels, since 2012; small business owner, DuVal & Associates, since 2002.
Marital: Married
Children: 2
Education: J.D., ASU College of Law, 1980; B.A., Occidental College, 1976, Tucson H.S., 1972.
Political experience: AZ Board of Regents, 2007-12; co-chair, Giffords for Congress, 2006; campaign manager, Babbitt for President, 1988; campaign manager, Babbitt for Governor, 1978
Interests: Hiking and camping (I’ve hiked the Grand Canyon rim to rim and I’m working on summiting the highest point in all 15 Arizona counties. Seven down and 8 to go!). Going to the shooting range with my son, reading to my youngest son and writing (I’ve written two books about Arizona).
GOV – Two biggest issues: The two biggest issues facing Arizona are jobs and education. Right now, too many of our children aren’t getting a good enough education and Arizonans who were crushed by the recession are still struggling to find a job, or their new job pays less than the one they lost. Reinvesting in education – tied to better performance – has to be our top priority; we have to make sure that we’re improving our children’s education to give them the opportunity they deserve. We can create jobs and grow Arizona’s economy by connecting our universities and community colleges to local businesses, giving tax relief to small businesses that hire new employees, and investing in 21st century industries like solar.
GOV – Budget priorities: My number one budget priority is reinvesting in our children’s education. Revenues are going to increase as the economy grows over the next couple of years; we have to make sure that we’re dedicating additional revenue to improving the quality of our children’s education.
GOV – Fiscal philosophy: I’m a fiscal conservative who understands the importance of education and knows how hard it is right now for working families to get by. I worked in the Clinton White House when we turned our economy around and balanced the federal budget, so I know how to balance a budget without burdening working families. Healthy budgets require three things: low taxes, limited regulations, and investments in our future.
GOV – Job creation: Arizona is blessed with great universities and community colleges. Unfortunately, we’re losing too many of our graduates. We need to do a better job connecting our universities and community colleges with local businesses and industries to not only help our students find and start careers right here in Arizona, but help them invent and create small businesses that will form the backbone of our future economy.
GOV – Common Core : I fully support Common Core and applaud Governor Brewer’s efforts to ensure the implementation of these vital standards despite opposition from some members of her party. These standards were developed by teachers, business leaders, and governors from around the country to assure that students are prepared for today’s – and tomorrow’s – economy. Common Core has broad, bipartisan support – it is supported by Republican governors like Chris Christie and Jeb Bush and Democratic governors like John Hickenlooper. Rather than a top-down, one-size-fits-all, Washington, D.C. approach to education, Common Core is a perfect example of how states can lead the way on improving education.
GOV – Medicaid expansion: I worked in Governor Babbitt’s office when we developed AHCCCS with the help of the Reagan administration and passed it through the Legislature with bipartisan support. Today, it’s a national best practice, providing health care coverage to 1.4 million low-income Arizonans! Governor Brewer’s fight to expand Medicaid coverage is good for our budget, good for Arizonans, and it will provide necessary resources for our rural hospitals, which have been struggling with the rising cost of uncompensated care for years. Governor Brewer is right about Medicaid expansion; she has done the math and she has made the case, and I support her plan.
GOV – Pro-life / Pro-choice: I support a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions. Simply put, government has no business legislating a decision that ought to be left up to a woman and her doctor.
ALL – Public policy advice: Bruce Babbitt wasn’t just my mentor, he was one of Arizona’s most influential and successful governors. He moved Arizona forward and set the stage for our state’s population and growth boom, by working across the aisle to tackle the big, important challenges like groundwater, AHCCCS, and the Phoenix freeway system. I’m proud to have played a role in these successes and look forward to bringing Babbitt’s style of collaboration back to the governor’s office.