Iannuzo, James

Libertarian – Legislative District 28 Senate

Phone: (623) 239-2039

Email: representative@iannuzo.com

Website: www.iannuzo.com

Address: 3111 E Acoma Dr , Phoenix, AZ 85032

Age: 53. (12/15/60, New York).

Arizona since: 1988

Occupation: Business owner; engineering segment manager; scientist.

Marital: Married

Children: 1

Education: B.S., electrical engineering; minor economics; M.S.E.E. coursework.

Interests: I have many interests. These include outdoor activities and challenging fabrication projects. I enjoy reading and learning and then trying new things. The pursuit of knowledge does not end at 21; instead it is a lifelong endeavor.

Two biggest issues: Limiting government intrusion into our personal lives. Stagnating business climate. Lack of quality jobs.

Budget priorities: The proper role of any government is to ensure individual rights. If elected I promise to work hard to eliminate any and all laws which violate this position. As individuals, we should be free to support projects that help others without reliance on the political class picking and choosing “worthy” activities.

Fiscal philosophy: Fiscally prudent, it’s taxpayer money. I would also classify myself as socially liberal. That is classical liberal not the current definition. The central idea of libertarianism is that people should be permitted to run their own lives as they wish.

Common Core: There is nothing wrong with testing to a set of standards. The problem is the state standards are like shifting sands and promulgated by those with agendas. Essentially, the current standards become talking points for politicians who want your vote. They will do this or that if elected but the results always disappoint. A true metric would look at options resulting from a given curriculum. By allowing school districts to set standards and reporting outcomes a true measure is observed. Competition on behalf of the student must be a focal point.

Gifts to elected officials: Reducing the influence of legislators on us would also reduce the amount of gifts (bribes) given to legislators. If there is no “money honey pot” at the state capitol, the gifts go away. Crony capitalism occurs when financial supporters are rewarded at the expense of everyone else. The legislative cycle should become bimodal where odd years are only used to reduce or eliminate statutes while in even years new statutes can be proposed. In no case should legislative pay be increased.

Transparency in government: Transparency is critical. The public has a right to know the details not just the result.

Pro-life / pro-choice: I personally oppose abortion but do not support statutes that prohibit a woman and her doctor in making the choice. It is not my decision to force a woman into any medical procedure. I will vote to remove the state from this position. That said I do not support any public funding of abortion. I believe when back alley abortions are rare and public funding is removed, the number of abortions will be reduced and the decision will center on medical necessity.

Public policy advice: My advice is to read everyone and to discuss with as many as possible. There is no one sage person.