Johnson, Sophia

Republican – Legislative District 19 House

Phone: (623) 755-3993



Facebook: Sophia Johnson

Twitter: @SophiaForDist19

Address: 12265 W Monroe St, Avondale, AZ 85323

Age: 51. (09/18/62, Marysville, CA).

Arizona since: 1968, 1976

Occupation: Volunteer community relations director, American Foundation for Cardiomyopathy, since 2010.

Marital: Divorced

Education: B.S., business administration, Wayland Baptist University, 1998; B.S., Christian studies, Wayland Baptist University, 1998; A.A., religion, Wayland Baptist University, 1998; certificate in total quality management, Estrella Community College, 1998; certificate of public policy and management, UofA, 1997.

Political experience: State committeeman since 2010; precinct committeeman since 2010; state delegate, LD26, AZ State Convention, 2012; volunteered for various federal, legislative and municipal campaigns.

Interests: Ministry for the homeless and hungry, political issues, reading, art, photography and traveling.

Two biggest issues: Economic development: I will support policies that provide increased capital for small business start-ups and streamline the accessibility of local suppliers that prefer competitive Arizona bidders. I support policies that promote an educational system that prepares competent, work-ready Arizonans for the current job market. I will avoid the unintended consequences of laws that serve to damage the reputation of Arizona, or add to the perception of an environment that is not a true reflection of our great state. Taxation and regulations on businesses: I would support policies that would continue to reduce taxes and continue to make it easier to comply with Arizona’s tax code and lower the cost of doing business by reducing regulatory burdens.

Budget priorities: Immediately after being elected, my priority would be to evaluate the latest on the JLBC’s budgetary projections. In creating a budget, I would take a look at the projected tax revenues that will be generated for the fiscal year. I would also take a look at the projected expenditures that it will take to effectively operate all of the state departments for the fiscal year, as required by law. I would reduce expenditures that are both not mandated by law and not essential in operating the department. Increased revenues would come in by way of promoting policies that attract business investments. This can be done by creating an appealing environment, which includes fair and equitable taxes, less regulatory constraints and having necessary infrastructure in place for businesses.

Fiscal philosophy: I am fiscally conservative. One should operate a home, business, or state within its financial means and not spend more than what one has. There should be more money coming in and less going out producing a surplus.

Common Core: The Arizona College and Career Ready Standards are a list of competencies or skills that will help students to be college and career ready. There has been confusion between the standard and the curriculum. The standards require “what” skills will be taught and the curriculum dictates “how” a given skill is conveyed to the student. For example, the standard may require second graders to know that 50 can be thought of as a bundle of five tens called 50, but the curriculum dictates the textbook, teaching method, or philosophy used to teach that skill. Neither the Common Core State Standards nor the curriculum are federally mandated. States, districts, and schools are in charge. Education has always been locally controlled, and it is up to individual states, districts, or schools to teach the standards via a curriculum of their choosing.

Gifts to elected officials: Anytime issues arise that challenge the public’s trust in elected officials, there needs to be an evaluation of those issues. Given the recent problems with the Fiesta Bowl and other gifts to elected officials, their trust has been shaken. The value of the gift is never worth the loss of public trust. Reforming our public gift statutes should be done with careful consideration to not be too extreme, maintaining transparency, and preventing any appearance of duplicity.

Transparency in government: Transparency in government is extremely important and public notice to the community should be provided clearly and immediately. There is no room for self-interest in public office. Those in government are accountable to those who elected them into office.

Pro-life / pro-choice: I am pro-life and do not support abortion. During a pregnancy where complications will only allow the life of either the mother or child to survive, the mother’s life should be saved.

Public policy advice: I seek advice from those in the state Legislature who are both like-minded and like-hearted, as well as, from those who are not. It is important to be open-minded and listen to all sides of an issue before making a serious decision. I also seek advice from those who understand and study public policy issues on a daily basis. I listen to the voters in my district, including business owners. Should I be elected to serve the people in Arizona, I will vote or not vote on a piece of legislation after prayer and thoughtful reflection. My deliberate approach to all proposed legislation is the priority of the necessity of law as it pertains to the proper role of government.