Democrat – Congressional District 1 U.S. House
Phone: (520) 329-3446
Facebook: Ann Kirkpatrick
Twitter: @Ann_Kirkpatrick
Address: 432 W Cattle Drive Trail, Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Age: 64. (03/24/50, McNary, AZ).
Arizona since: Birth
Occupation: U.S. Representative, CD-1, since 2012, 2009-10; attorney, Kirkpatrick & Harris, P.C., 1991-2008; instructor, business law & ethics, Coconino Community College, 2004.
Marital: Married
Children: 4
Education: J.D., UofA College of Law, 1979; B.A., UofA, 1972.
Legis exp: AZ state representative, 2005-07.
Interests: I love to cook and garden, but I also make sure to go skiing and hiking in my beautiful district. Beyond that, I play the country fiddle (I actually used to be in a bluegrass band) and study different languages such as Navajo, Apache and Mandarin. One of my favorite hobbies that I’ve picked up in the last few years is playing on the congressional softball team. While I doubt I impress anyone with my athleticism, I have been dubbed the team’s “Rudy.” It has been an invaluable opportunity for me to bond with members from both sides of the aisle. The relationships I have formed on the field have come in handy on the Hill, where our friendships have allowed us to find common ground and collaborate on legislation in a bipartisan fashion.
Top priority: My vision for Arizona has always been a diversified, stable economy that creates good-paying jobs in both urban and rural communities. Partisan gridlock doesn’t help people, jobs do. That is why I reach across the aisle, find common ground and come up with common-sense solutions to create jobs in Arizona. My record reflects job creation and economic development as my top priority. Earlier this year, I was able to secure crucial funding for the Lower Santa Cruz wash project, the Rio de Flag flood control project and the Winslow Levee project. These projects not only bring good-paying jobs, but also create stability and security for future economic development. I am also working across the aisle with Rep. Gosar on the Southeast AZ Land Exchange and Conservation Act, which is estimated to create more than 3,700 jobs and bring billions of dollars in revenue to the state over its lifetime. I will continue to create more jobs to solidify the future of Arizona and its communities.
Initial legislation: Delayed care is denied care. That’s why one of the first pieces of legislation I introduced this session was VA CORE, which was aimed at tackling the VA’s claims backlog that was adversely affecting veterans in Arizona as well as across the country. That bill actually became the first piece of legislation from the Arizona congressional delegation signed into law this session. As a member of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, I am very proud of my work for veterans who are very dear to my heart. Because they have already paid the price, we must fight for veterans with all our might.
Federal deficit: Right now in Arizona, we have a jobs deficit. When we create jobs, we add revenue and we cut the deficit. That is why I am focused on getting folks back to work and dedicated to creating a strong and diversified economy for years to come. Our state has learned the hard way that you can’t base an economy on just one or two industries like construction or tourism. A diversified economy means becoming a place where growing industries like wind, solar, or biotech want to set up shop in Arizona. This means focusing on critical infrastructure throughout our state such as widespread broadband internet coverage, improving our roads and bridges and restoring funding for public education. That’s why I have been a champion for several major infrastructure projects such as the Lower Santa Cruz Watershed Project, I-11 and 89A that will generate new jobs and be a boon to our economy for years to come.
Federal spending in AZ: As a member of the House Infrastructure and Transportation Committee, I have seen firsthand how important investments in our roads, bridges and communities can be. After U.S. 89 collapsed in Northern Arizona last year, I played a key role in obtaining $35 million in emergency funding to help the residents of that area who were adversely affected. However, those communities are still under stress and we must help them and similar towns across our state and nation to avoid the same pitfalls. Making investments to improve our state’s infrastructure, especially in rural areas, increases our ability to be economically competitive. This ability, ultimately, will help us attract more good-paying jobs and create a strong, stable economy. Tourism is also a huge component in rural Arizona. I strongly support our national parks and forests because they are economic drivers to our economy. For example, the Grand Canyon delivers about 12,000 jobs and $700 million to our local economy each year.
Respected opponent: Both of Arizona’s U.S. senators have earned admiration and respect by standing up for immigration reform and being among the first to oppose SB1062. It takes courage to do the right thing and both of them have shown a willingness to do that. I will also offer praise for my House colleague, Rep. Paul Gosar. Even though I lost to Paul in 2010, since I returned to office in 2012 we have partnered on several important pieces of legislation that we both know would be good for rural Arizona such as the Superior mine land swap. In fact, we have even been called “Arizona’s Odd Couple” for our propensity and willingness to put politics aside and work together! As a result of these experiences, I admire Paul’s commitment to putting ideology aside and finding common ground for the good of our state and nation.
Public policy advice: I often consult with a number of folks back in my home district regarding public policy issues because they and their family, friends and neighbors are the ones who will often be directly impacted by the decisions made in Congress. Since my first term in office, I created a tribal advisory group made up of elected officials and community leaders who can keep me informed of what’s happening in their communities as well as provide me with a variety of perspectives that enable me to make informed decisions. For these same reasons, I also maintain other advisory groups aimed towards major issues such as education, immigration, the environment and others.