Republican – Legislative District 11 House
Phone: (520) 818-8814
Facebook: Vince Leach
Twitter: @VinceLeach
Address: 62927 East Harmony Drive, Tucson, AZ 85739
Age: 65. (08/02/48, Wild Rose, WI).
Arizona since: 2009
Occupation: Small business owner, Diversified Options, LLC, since 2005; business manager, Matrix Products, 1998-2009; regional manager, Allied Mineral Products, 1992-98; salesman, Allied Mineral Products, 1988-92.
Marital: Married
Children: 1
Education: B.S., political science/history, University of Wisconsin, St. Point, 1970.
Legis exp: Campaign worker for various local, state and federal candidates.
Interests: Public policy, distance walking.
Two biggest issues: Jobs: Growing the job market is of prime importance as it primes the pump and starts a wealth building cycle. It is the rock on which a solid citizenry and government can function efficiently. Less taxes/smaller government: Government should not take $1 more than needed to efficiently serve the citizens of the state. More money in the hands of the citizens means more and faster growth of the economy. Arizona is currently spending 3% of the General Fund on interest payments on state debt. This needs to be lowered to reduce taxes. Government functions best when the free market is allowed to function properly. Government needs to step away from the ‘enforcer of rules and regulations’ and more to being an ‘enhancer of the economy and private sector jobs.’
Budget priorities: Balance the state budget by increasing revenue through economic growth.
Fiscal philosophy: Conservative.
Common Core: I support higher standards for K-12 education that are Arizona developed and approved. I am concerned about the loss of local control of our schools in the ACCRS program. I am also concerned about elements of the ACCRS curriculum as observed recently in the Sierra Vista and Oro Valley School Districts. The costs of implementation are another area of concern. No cost information or a cost/benefit analysis is available for this program.
Gifts to elected officials: I am not currently aware of any changes that need to be made. That being said, I am a proponent of more (not less) government transparency, so I will look at each and every suggestion brought forward.
Transparency in government: I am a proponent of more (not less) government transparency.
Pro-life / pro-choice: Pro-life.
Public policy advice: I have been involved in public policy since 2009. That involvement has provided me with numerous contacts in various fields and disciplines, both private and public. I will utilize as many contacts as needed to fully analyze the public policy presented.