Democrat – Legislative District 11 House
Phone: (520) 822-6566
Facebook: Holly Lyon
Twitter: @Lyonfor11
Address: 37812 S. Desert Bluff Dr. , Tucson, AZ 85739
Age: 57. (07/24/56, Port Angeles, WA).
Arizona since: 2008
Occupation: Retired Colonel, U.S. Air Force, 2005; IT management consultant, L-3; IT management consultant, Booz Allen Hamilton; self-employed IT management consulting business, 2008-09.
Marital: Partnered
Education: Master’s degree, strategic studies, Air War College, Air University; M.A., computer resources management, Webster University; B.A., health and physical education, The College of Idaho.
Political experience: Assisted legislative campaigns in Arizona since 2010; campaign manager, Holt for Senate 2012 campaign.
Interests: I am taking piano lessons and started some voice lessons. I love golf and do some mild jogging.
Two biggest issues: The economy needs to improve to create more sustainable, quality jobs. That can be done by investing in public education so every child receives a quality education and improving public infrastructure and utilities, including renewable energy. These two public investments will prove that AZ is serious about good business and willing to provide the backbone required, including an educated and ready workforce. I would attempt to get the Legislature to obey the AZ State Constitution by ensuring a free and quality education to every child, and stop sweeping the HURF monies for other purposes. Finally, I would encourage the state Legislature to pass ethics laws that apply to all state employees, including legislators, along with campaign finance changes that would create elections that evenly and fairly present the candidates to voters in a way that compares them so voters have a fair basis for choosing.
Budget priorities: Public education; infrastructure, including utilities; health and safety of our residents. I believe we have an incredible state with beautiful and wonderful resources. We don’t need to discount our value to attract companies, but we do need to offer a competitive edge in our resources.
Fiscal philosophy: Legislators are responsible for being good stewards of the taxpayers’ dollars. I believe everyone should pay their fair share to ensure a quality public infrastructure, including an educated and ready work force. I also believe the state should live within its means.
Common Core: These standards were created by a consortium of advisors and voluntarily adopted by most states. Having standards is good. However, a moratorium should be put on the high-stakes testing. Then, as we evaluate the application of the standards we can look to refine them, along with input from other states, and determine how best to evaluate them and how well students are able to attain them.
Gifts to elected officials: No gift over an incidental value (maybe $15) may be accepted. All other “gifts” become property of the state. Gifts include travel, lodging, and other non-material services. Once a person becomes an elected official, that person must adhere to the highest standards. They need to focus on doing their jobs well, not what they can get out of their jobs for their own futures.
Transparency in government: Transparency is very important! In a democracy, such as state government, it is critical to public engagement and trust. The government is “of the people, by the people, and for the people.”
Pro-life / pro-choice: I believe a woman has the right to choose, and it is the law of the land. No woman wants to have an abortion. It is an extremely traumatic experience, and we should not erect false obstacles that make the experience even more psychologically scarring.
Public policy advice: Former Senator Paula Aboud; my mentor, Joe Robison; family.