Republican – Legislative District 18 House
Phone: (602) 402-6844
Facebook: Jill Norgaard
Twitter: @jillnorgaard
Address: 15839 S 10th Pl , Phoenix, AZ 85048
Age: 51. (10/28/62, EauClaire, WI).
Arizona since: 1998
Occupation: Small business owner since 1998.
Marital: Married
Children: 3
Education: Master’s, business administration, University of Phoenix; B.S., engineering management, University of North Dakota.
Political experience: Precinct committeeman; state committeeman; first vp, Ahwatukee Republican Women (ARW); fundraising chair, ARW; legislative chair, ARW; graduate, Dodie Londen Excellence in Public Service Series; City Councilman Sal DiCiccio election; Campaign for David Schweikert.
Interests: Piano, dirtbiking, learning Spanish.
Two biggest issues: Job creation: Working in the high-tech aerospace and defense industry, I will be able to articulate how we can attract and retain jobs. Every state official is a marketing tool for our state – we need to message to other states the opportunities here in Arizona. As an engineer in this market, I am familiar with the technology related to that field, know who the competitors are, and how we can compete for jobs in that industry. I am a former vice president of a major manufacturing company where I was responsible for the financial operations and profitability of the company. I have the management and leadership skills to work with multiple disciplines to achieve budgetary goals of the state. School choice: Bring back local control. I trust that Arizonans are the best people to train, govern and teach our children.
Budget priorities: Stabilize revenue by going to a consumption tax policy, eliminating personal and corporate taxes. Priority-based budgeting.
Fiscal philosophy: No borrowing money, priority-based budgeting.
Common Core: No it is not field tested. Classroom tests will cost more than current tests. Common Core strips the states of their constitutional authority over education, will end parents’ ability to influence what their children are taught, and will ultimately accomplish giving the federal government full control over the school curricula.
Gifts to elected officials: The current amount on financial disclosure report that I just submitted is $500. I believe it should be lower, $50 to reflect the private industry policy.
Transparency in government: Technology has made transparency easier and it is vital to a free society. Notify and educate public on community issues.
Pro-life / pro-choice: I am pro-life.
Public policy advice: Goldwater Institute, Councilman DiCiccio, Vice Mayor Jim Waring, current House Representatives Mesnard, Farnsworth and Petersen.