Democrat – Legislative District 17 Senate
Phone: (480) 729-2647
Facebook: Kristie O’Brien
Twitter: @KristieOBrienAZ
Address: 60 W Windsor Dr , Gilbert, AZ 85233
Arizona since: Birth
Occupation: Birthdate: Dec. 16. Lawyer since 2011; founder, Charmingly Yours, LLC, since 2012; guest lecturer, int’l criminal law, Bond University Law School, 2008; legal intern, The Hague Secretariat Coalition for the Int’l Criminal Court, 2008; legal research assistant, Internet & E-Commerce Law , Oxford University Press, 2008, Bond University, 2006-07; paralegal, General Counsel’s Office, Recording Industry Assn of America, 2001-06.
Marital: Single
Education: J.D., Bond University (Gold Coast, Australia), 2008; certificate, int’l relations, The Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced Int’l Studies, 2005; B.A., int’l relations (concentration in developing nations, environmental science), Trinity University (Washington, DC), 1996; Dobson H.S., 1992.
Political experience: Clinton/Gore 1992 & 1996, national headquarters (DC); Kerry/Edwards 2014, national headquarters, DC; Democrats Abroad, primary election, 2008.
Interests: Traveling, international humanitarian and human rights law, and hiking.
Two biggest issues: Jobs and the economy: As state senator, I will encourage policies that foster and grow innovation, technology and renewable industries in Arizona. We need to provide incentives for business growth while improving training systems for young professionals so they are easily retained by employers. Public education: I would promote policies that improve Arizona’s public education from pre-K through university level. I would encourage increasing science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) programs. I would encourage Arizona’s continued investment in JTEDs and public universities and community colleges with the goal of increasing attendance and graduation rates. I would seek to find solutions to the growing costs of higher education to enable students and graduates to invest in our local economy rather than be saddled with enormous debt repayment.
Budget priorities: A balanced budget requires weighing investments for the future and dissipating opportunities with the immediate needs of Arizona, while keeping prepared for potential short-comings and unexpected downfalls. It is impossible to predict exactly what the future holds. Therefore, we must maintain the emergency fund. I believe we need to create a system that rewards government agencies and recipients of government funding for being fiscally responsible and ending the year under budget. Providing departments and groups the opportunity for allocation roll-overs and savings accounts will prevent frivolous spending at the end of fiscal year. This provides each agency an “economic safety net.” As state senator, I would perform a cost-benefit analysis for expenditures and/or revenues, weighing the benefits and burdens to Arizona taxpayers.
Fiscal philosophy: Conservative.
Common Core: Arizona’s educators have been implementing Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards for the past few years. Stopping the implementation process will only cause further delays in allowing Arizona’s over 1 million public school students to compete for 21st century job readiness.
Gifts to elected officials: I believe overall ethical standards need to be raised regarding Arizona’s elected officials. Transparency and disclosure requirements with financial limitations should diminish the quid pro quo nature of gift giving in politics. It is imperative that reforms be implemented to prevent conflicts of interests, such as lawmakers directly profiting from legislation they sponsor.
Transparency in government: Transparency and public notice to the community ensure the government remains “by the people and for the people.” It is important to engage the community, allowing open forums for commentary and feedback from constituents on public interests.
Pro-life / pro-choice: I believe abortion is a personal, private health decision between a woman, her doctor, family and her faith. It should be safe, legal and rare.
Public policy advice: Depending on the issue, I seek advice from experts in the field and constituents.