Republican – Legislative District 25 House
Phone: (602) 677-2643
Address: 524 N 38th St, Mesa, AZ 85205
Age: 35. (01/01/79, Mesa, AZ).
Arizona since: Birth
Occupation: Senior tax analyst, Apollo Group, since 2010; senior research analyst, AZ Tax Research Assn, 2007-10; congressional aide, U.S. House of Representatives, Office of Congressman Trent Franks, 2005-06; realtor, American Realty Brokers, 2002-05.
Marital: Married
Children: 6
Education: MBA, finance, W.P. Carey School of Business, ASU, 2013; B.S., biology, ASU, 2004; Mountain View H.S., 1997.
Political experience: Precinct committeeman, 2004-06; campaign volunteer for many Republican candidates and conservative causes.
Legis exp: House since 2010.
Interests: Family, recreation, public policy and politics.
Two biggest issues: If I am re-elected this fall I will continue to be a leading voice for fiscal responsibility and economic growth. The state faces what will likely be some very challenging budget years over the next three to five budget cycles. As the likely chairman of the House appropriations committee, I will advance budgets that protect the taxpayers and appropriately address the state’s priorities. I will continue to advocate for low taxes and eliminating excessive government regulations. I will continue to support the pro-growth policies that have led to our state’s recent recognition as a great state for business. Forbes identified Arizona as the number one best state for expected future annual job growth. This is a direct result of the pro-growth policies that we have implemented over the last couple years.
Budget priorities: My budget priorities include eliminating the existing structural deficit without raising taxes, without incurring any new debt and without creating any new budget gimmicks. This can be accomplished by keeping increases in spending to levels that are sustainable. From 2004 to 2008, state expenditures increased by 62%, more than double the rate of growth in the state’s population and the rate of inflation combined. These unsustainable rates of growth led to the predictable crisis when the inevitable downturn in the economic cycle arrived. We must learn from the past and prepare for the future to ensure that we do not spend the state into such a crisis again. I ran for the Legislature to provide this voice of fiscal responsibility and if re-elected I will continue to advocate for the most responsible use of Arizona’s taxpayer dollars.
Fiscal philosophy: Conservative, responsible and well informed.
Common Core: I support high standards and accountability for our school system but adopting Common Core was not the appropriate way to accomplish these goals. The K-12 education curriculum has always been a state and local issue. I am a firm believer in the federalism principle that any public policy that can effectively be addressed at a level of government that is closer to the people should be addressed at that level that is closest to the people. The content of the K-12 curriculum is an issue that is most appropriately addressed at the state and local level. Arizona had higher standards when the AIMS test was first instituted but when students struggled to meet those high standards the standards were lowered. The state could accomplish Common Core’s stated goal of higher standards and accountability by restoring the higher standards on this state administered exam. This approach would come without the multi-million dollar Common Core price tag and without the shift to a federalized curriculum.
Gifts to elected officials: I support the state’s ban on gifts given to elected officials.
Transparency in government: I am a strong supporter of transparency in government. Arizona’s open meeting laws and public information requests have provided a great opportunity for citizens to be able to have a clear view of how the state and local governments function. The Dept of Administration’s searchable database of all government contracts has made Arizona a leader in government transparency. This transparency provides a very important check on government power which otherwise can too easily be corrupted and misused.
Pro-life / pro-choice: I am firmly pro-life as my voting record demonstrates.
Public policy advice: My favorite sources of advice on public policy issues are the writings of great conservative leaders in public policy, economics and politics, such as Milton Freidman, F.A. Hayek, Thomas Sowell, Russell Kirk, Richard Weaver, Ludwig Von Mises, William F. Buckley Jr., Whittaker Chambers, Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, Cleon Skousen, Ezra Taft Benson, Adam Smith, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, George Washington, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, and many others.