Democrat – Legislative District 4 Senate
Phone: (928) 782-1455
Facebook: Lynne Pancrazi
Twitter: @mpancra1
Address: 3748 W 18th Pl, Yuma, AZ 85364
Age: 60. (01/15/54, Yuma, AZ).
Arizona since: Birth
Occupation: Realtor (inactive); retired teacher, 1977-2006.
Marital: Married
Children: 1
Education: M.A., elementary education, NAU, 1985; B.A., physical education, Point Loma Nazarene College, 1977.
Political experience: Campaign worker; educational activism.
Legis exp: Senate since 2013; asst Dem leader since Oct 2013; House 2007-12.
Interests: Being with family; watching grandkids in their activities.
Two biggest issues: Economic development and public education – both K-12 and college/post-secondary.
Budget priorities: We must reevaluate corporate tax credits to see which ones work and which do not. That will allow the Legislature to make better use of credits that result in the appropriate outcome, and help us eliminate those that do not. We must make DPS self-funding and return HURF funds to our counties.
Public education funding needs to be equalized for all.
Fiscal philosophy: I am a solutions-oriented legislator, not an ideologue. I look at issues and work to find appropriate solutions. I will not create issues and then try to formulate solutions that fit them. I am fiscally conservative, and I understand that adequate funding for public education is a fiscal responsibility.
Common Core: Implementing the Arizona College and Career Ready Standards, aka Common Core, provides school districts with the standards they need to implement their curriculum. It will also allow Arizona students to compete nationally with their peers.
Gifts to elected officials: Legislators do not take on this job because of perks that come with the job. I do not see any reason why we as legislators should be allowed to accept gifts, trips or money. In addition, I do think educational conferences have an appropriate place if they help us acquire knowledge. We have an obligation to educate ourselves on issues we are working to resolve. For example, I take advantage of any event providing information on water.
Transparency in government: Transparency is essential to keeping our constituents informed and our communities involved in the political process.
Pro-life / pro-choice: A woman’s body is her own. Any decision she makes about it is solely within the purview of her and her family.
Public policy advice: Policy analysts at the state Capitol, and those who work for our caucus are my primary advisors. I also consult with constituents I know who have knowledge about a particular topic. During my tenure at the Capitol, I have developed relationships with folks around the state who I call for advice. Many agency directors and staff have a wealth of information that can be relevant. All we have to do is ask them.