Republican – Legislative District 26 House
Phone: (602) 696-7000
Facebook: James Roy
Twitter: @jamesroyforAZ
Address: 105 N Stewart , Mesa, AZ 85201
Age: 47. (11/16/66, Mesa, AZ).
Arizona since: Birth
Occupation: Small business owner, Melaleuca, Inc. since 1992.
Marital: Married
Education: B.A., business administration, Colorado Technical University.
Political experience: Volunteered for the J.D. Hayworth U.S. Senate campaign.
Interests: Any and all water sports, especially ocean kayaking.
Two biggest issues: State sovereignty and immigration. The states must stand up and limit the federal government to their enumerated powers. The role of the federal government is to protect its citizens, not regulate every aspect of their lives. The federal government needs to be put on notice that their overreach will no longer be tolerated. Arizonans need to flood the offices of our elected officials with phone calls demanding that only Arizona knows what’s best for Arizona. Our border must be secure. I welcome legal immigration, but those coming to this country must follow and respect our laws. For national security reasons, we must know who is coming across our border.
Budget priorities: It is not necessary to raise taxes in order to increase revenues. Revenues to the state will increase when businesses are allowed to grow. Cutting taxes and eliminating unnecessary regulations will allow businesses to grow. The state needs to be smart with their spending. They need to remember that the money their spending is not their own. Families have to be wise in their spending, so should government.
Fiscal philosophy: Don’t spend more than you make and spend wisely.
Common Core: If a method of teaching is found to be effective then it should be used, but not mandated by the federal government. The decisions for how students should be taught need to be made at the local level with parents and teachers involved in the process.
Gifts to elected officials: Elected officials should not be accepting gifts.
Transparency in government: Transparency, real transparency is vital to regaining the trust of the people and restoring their faith in government. Town halls and other public forums need to be held regularly to encourage discussion and debate about upcoming legislation. A message needs to be sent to the public, in no uncertain terms, that the government works for the people.
Pro-life / pro-choice: In the event of an unwanted pregnancy, adoption should always be the first thing considered. If there’s a medical concern in bringing the baby to full term, then the only people that should be involved in making that decision is the mother, the family and the doctor.
Public policy advice: The will of the public should always be considered on public policy issues. Remember, the government works for the people. They must always be considered.