Democrat – Legislative District 20 House
Phone: (480) 519-4483
Facebook: Amy Schwabenlender
Twitter: @amy4arizona
Address: 1429 E Le Marche Avenue , Phoenix, AZ 85022
Age: 44. (11/09/69, Milwaukee, WI).
Arizona since: 1995
Occupation: Nonprofit management, Valley of the Sun United Way, since 2005.
Marital: Single
Education: B.S., business administration with marketing concentration and communications, Trinity University, 1990; M.B.A, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI 1994.
Interests: Family, dogs, reading, walking, Arizona Diamondbacks.
Two biggest issues: Job creation: Promote opportunities for business development and work with small businesses. Public education: Implement common core, restore funding for public education and create funding for technology.
Budget priorities: Identify new, sustainable sources of revenue because without revenue the budget will continue to be unbalanced and will not support necessary and basic services. Address and correct the structural deficit because this is an ongoing issue that the Legislature is constantly reactive to rather than proactively fixing it. I would recommend that the state prioritize the budget during legislative sessions to ensure the budget is balanced before considering other pieces of legislation that have costs associated with them.
Fiscal philosophy: My philosophy is one of moderation and conservative spending. At the same time, due to the recession and current economic status of Arizona, incentives need to be introduced to stimulate economic activity.
Common Core: Arizona should continue to implement the Common Core because it is an appropriate measure of students’ academic progress and is an indicator of readiness to graduate from high school and enter either post-secondary education or the workforce.
Transparency in government: Transparency in government is critical to improving the performance of our elected officials and government employees. The public needs sufficient and timely notice in order to participate appropriately.
Pro-life / pro-choice: I believe abortion is a decision for each woman to make with her family, medical providers and faith.