Democrat – Congressional District 9 U.S. House
Phone: (480) 526-7070
Facebook: Kyrsten Sinema
Twitter: @kyrstensinema
Address: 1318 W Glenn Dr, Phoenix, AZ 85021
Age: 37. (07/12/76, Tucson, AZ).
Arizona since: Birth
Occupation: Congressman since 2012; professor, ASU School of Social Work, since 2002; social worker, Washington Elementary School District, 1995-2002.
Marital: Single
Education: Ph.D., justice studies, ASU, 2012; J.D., ASU, 2004; Master’s, social work, ASU, 1999; B.S., social work, BYU, 1995.
Political experience: Ran successful campaigns for State House, State Senate and Congress. Chaired the successful Arizona Together initiative campaign in 2006. Assisted with several state and local organizations to increase voter registration and engagement.
Legis exp: Senate 2011-Jan 2012 (resigned 1/3/12 to run for Congress in the newly created CD9); House 2005-10; asst Democratic leader 2009-10.
Interests: Running, swimming, biking.
Top priority: My priorities will continue to be looking out for veterans and military families, standing up for middle-class families, creating good jobs in Arizona and speaking out for women.
Initial legislation: The first piece of legislation I introduced in my first term on April 9, 2013 is the Security in Energy and Manufacturing Act (SEAM), H.R. 1424, which would help create high-tech, high-wage renewable energy jobs in Arizona. I am also proud to be the prime sponsor of the Classified Veterans Access to Care Act (H.R. 3387), which will help veterans get the mental health care they need.
Federal deficit: I am proud to be a co-founder of the United Solutions Caucus, which has brought together a bipartisan group of freshmen members who meet regularly to solve our country’s great fiscal challenges and end governing by crisis. Just a couple of the bills our group has introduced, the SAVE I and SAVE II Acts, would save the government over $200 billion a year just by doing simple things like closing empty bank accounts! I also voted for the No Budget, No Pay Act that prevents Congress from getting paid if it fails to pass a budget.
Federal spending in AZ: I have recently had the opportunity to meet with other members of the Arizona delegation and leaders from the state government and business community about the I-11 project being planned to connect our southern border with Nevada and beyond. I am very supportive of this project because it will help define Arizona as a major gateway for international trade and commerce. I have joined the I-11 Caucus in the House and look forward to working with my colleagues to make this project a reality.
Respected opponent: Sandra Day O’Connor is an inspiration to me. Raised on a cattle ranch in Arizona, she was one of the first women attorneys to practice in Arizona. She later served our state as a pragmatic, practical common sense senator for years before her appointment to the bench. As the first woman to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court, she paved the path for women attorneys and jurists to come. Justice O’Connor is a perfect example of the people of our great state -down to earth, focused on solutions, and willing to work hard to get things done.
Public policy advice: First and foremost, I rely on my constituents. I meet with residents of our district on a regular basis, hold tele-town halls and live town halls so I can hear directly from individuals and families about what issues they are worried about and how we can help. I have also been lucky enough to befriend several members of both parties in the House who I rely on for advice and mentorship in Washington.