Republican – Legislative District 15 House
Phone: (480) 990-3056
Address: 4310 N 75th St , Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Age: 73. (04/08/41, Charleston, WV).
Arizona since: 1983
Occupation: Attorney, Smith Law Firm, since 1983.
Marital: Married
Education: Master’s, judicial studies, University of Nevada, 1995; J.D., University of Baltimore, 1972; B.A., political science, University of Charleston, 1967.
Political experience: Judge, City of Peoria; precinct committeeman; president, South Jefferson County Republicans (Colorado), four years.
Legis exp: House 2011-12; House 2005-Jan 06 (removed from office for CCEC spending violation).
Interests: Traveling, golf, and working out.
Two biggest issues: The budget: I will work to balance the budget as required by the Constitution. This should be done once a year. Business in Arizona: I will works to make Arizona the most business friendly state by lowering taxes for businesses and individuals.
Budget priorities: To lower the budget and cut expenditures. To do this, I would work to ensure expenditures are the same as tax revenues and we do not overestimate tax revenues.
Fiscal philosophy: Conservative.
Common Core: I would vote to rescind Common Core. We need to establish an Arizona standard and not use the national standard.
Gifts to elected officials: I believe in the full disclosure of any gift of any amount.
Transparency in government: Transparency in government is important to ensure the citizens are aware of what their elected officials and the government are spending money on and what is being taxed.
Pro-life / pro-choice: Pro-life.
Public policy advice: I adhere to the Ronald Reagan policy on governing.