Smith, Scott

Republican – Governor



Facebook: Scott Smith

Twitter: @Mayor_Smith

Age: 58. (02/07/56, Tucson, AZ).

Arizona since: Birth.

Occupation: Mayor, City of Mesa, 2008-14; regional president, K. Hovnanian Homes, 2003-07; CEO, president &owner, Great Western Homes, 2000-03; president, Great Western Homes, 1995-2000; CFO/CEO, Great Western Homes, 1994; principal, founding member, ExecuShare, Ltd., 1986-94; tax manager, Nelson Lambson & Co, 1985-86; senior accountant – auditing and tax, Price Waterhouse & Co., 1980-85.

Marital: Married

Children: 3

Education: J.D., ASU, 1996; M.B.A., ASU, 1985; B.S., accounting, Brigham Young University, 1980; Westwood H.S., 1974.

Political experience: Elected Mayor of Mesa in 2008 and 2012.

Interests: My wife got me flying lessons several years back for Christmas, and I was fortunate to be able to earn my pilot’s license. I love flying and go whenever I have the chance. Arizona from the sky is stunning.

GOV – Two biggest issues: First and foremost, I believe we must lift our economy by creating a more efficient, more business friendly state government and by giving our children schools that deliver educational excellence. As mayor of Mesa, we overcame a $62 million deficit and balanced our budget by slimming the workforce 10 percent and cutting spending. That efficiency and our “business first’ culture drew companies like Apple, leading to a $2 billion investment and 2,000 new jobs. I will bring that same CEO’s mentality to being governor, lifting business, creating jobs and improving our schools.

GOV – Budget priorities: As governor, my focus will be on creating high-paying careers and jobs, and I will work with the Legislature to develop a budget that is in service to that vision. Attracting and retaining quality jobs requires that we prioritize what works for our education system and that we fund the infrastructure projects our communities need to support business development. Education and infrastructure spending represents smart investments in our future, laying the foundation for economic growth, and should be done with full commitment, fiscal transparency and strict accountability.

GOV – Fiscal philosophy: My fiscal philosophy is based on the core business principles that grounded me as a CEO and as mayor. I believe in the power of efficiency and innovation. Within weeks of my taking office, Mesa was faced with the harsh reality of a $62 million budget deficit. In response, we implemented the largest reorganization of government in city history, slimming the workforce by 10 percent and finding new efficiencies that enabled us to do more with less. The result? We created thousands of jobs during my term, became the third-safest city in America and lowered taxes.

GOV – Job creation: Having a clear strategic vision and a culture that facilitates business growth is the first and most important step to increasing job creation. While I was mayor of Mesa, we were named the most business friendly city in Arizona after committing to a success-driven, business-first culture we referred to as ‘Facilitate, Don’t Regulate,’ and implementing a focused economic growth strategy. Our approach assisted companies large and small and created thousands of jobs. As governor, I will take this approach statewide.

GOV – Common Core : I support Arizona’s efforts to raise the bar for our schools and implement our higher Arizona College and Career Ready Standards. Every child in Arizona deserves an excellent education, and the pathway to achieving this requires that we set a higher bar. Our State Board of Education must continue to regularly revisit our standards, ensuring that we provide the best academic framework available in our time. As governor, I will appoint state board members who are committed to the vision of providing an excellent education for all students and driven to adopt the best possible standards.

GOV – Medicaid expansion: I applaud Gov. Brewer for doing what Arizonans asked: Providing cost-effective health care to the sick and the poor while protecting Arizona’s tax dollars. The Medicaid Restoration Plan takes tax dollars we would have lost to Washington and keeps them in Arizona to support rural hospitals and crowded ERs. We know what happens when Washington meddles in health care – we get Obamacare, which has driven up costs and hurt businesses and families. As governor, I will continue to stand with Gov. Brewer, rural Arizona and our state’s business community in support of preserving health care for the poor.

GOV – Pro-life / Pro-choice: I am pro-life.

ALL – Public policy advice: I was very fortunate as mayor of Mesa and president of the U.S. Conference of Mayors to have the opportunity to develop relationships with numerous thoughtful, solutions-oriented leaders across Arizona and the country. I regularly turn to this network when seeking advice on public policy issues. I also turn to the groups and people directly impacted by policies. The Mesa community came together behind our vision to Build a Better Mesa and our success was the result of all our engagement and efforts.