Republican – Legislative District 4 Senate
Phone: (928) 329-0507
Address: 1905 S Parkway Dr , Yuma, AZ 85364
Age: 67. (04/05/47, St. Louis, MO).
Arizona since: 1952
Occupation: Closed clinical practice in general surgery after 32 1/2 years due to Obamacare and other government regulations.
Marital: Married
Education: M.D., UofA, 1975; B.S., UofA, 1970; Kofa H.S. (Yuma), 1965.
Political experience: Worked on husband’s campaigns: 7 in total – won 5, lost 2 (last one won a 5-way primary and won the general election with 70% of the vote); won class president in 8th Grade at Crane School in 3-way race, 1960.
Interests: I love to teach. I’m a regional faculty member for the American Heart Assn and an associate clinical professor of surgery for the UofA. I’m also an award-winning author and several of my articles can be found in The Washington Times. One on gun violence was used in last year’s NRA 2nd Amendment Handbook. Since my husband and I have no children of our own, we have had the pleasure of being part of many children’s lives over the years, counseling them, having them in our home, traveling with them, and doing the hardest job of all – helping them with their homework.
Two biggest issues: The main problems facing Arizona are our lack of faith in leadership and our lack of self-reliance. First, we must recruit dedicated citizens willing to serve in leadership roles. Once elected, those leaders need to stay in contact with the electorate and assist in overcoming the apathy. Second, we need to foster a climate of progress, one friendly to new business that will create jobs and enable people to get back to work. While Arizona as a state may be enjoying a lower unemployment rate, my district is still suffering, and I want to see that end.
Budget priorities: Health care and education rank up there along with safety, and not just child safety. I suspect our AHCCCS system is top-heavy as is education. The priorities have to be the patients and the students. Our first responders – law enforcement, fire, etc. – need our support as our state is faced with increasing dangers from disasters and intrusion into our daily lives. These public servants must have adequate support to execute their duties in serving and protecting us. Doing away with the state income tax will, over a period of time, attract more business to Arizona and increase revenue.
Fiscal philosophy: I’m a fiscal conservative. It’s important for Arizona to have a balanced budget and a little put aside in the rainy day fund, much like we had before Gov. Napolitano took office. We need a tax policy that attracts new businesses and industries and helps make Arizona self-sufficient.
Common Core: Education in Arizona should be decided by Arizona parents and teachers, not by Bill Gates, the federal government, or the United Nations. The Arizona College and Career Ready Standards have no more to do with creating standards to ready students for college and careers than the Affordable Care Act is about affordable health care. These standards must go. Even creators of Common Core admit they lowered the standards to push forward an agenda, a state-driven agenda that serves no purpose but to allow federal government control over our children’s future and further intrusion into our private lives.
Gifts to elected officials: My experience with the gift situation is limited to what I read in the media. There are such things as educational opportunities and retreats, but they should all be documented. When dealing with a breach of ethics, I must side with Justice Potter Stewart – I know it when I see it. Arizona would do well with an independent ethics commission to handle the difficult situations.
Transparency in government: Effective government is minimal government. No law made behind closed doors can be effective without a means for the people to be heard. Elected representatives are just that – representatives of the people, not backroom conspirators.
Pro-life / pro-choice: The subject of abortion does not belong in the court system, nor does it belong in any legislative body. I’m pro-life and if we want to stop abortion, it begins by educating our children in the home environment. It begins with teaching in our churches. Whether we’re talking about teenagers or adults, this argument is not about a war on women – it’s about a war on babies.
Public policy advice: I have three sources I would use if elected – the U.S. and Arizona Constitutions and the people of the great state of Arizona.