Van Steenwyk, Clair

Republican – Congressional District 8 U.S. House

Phone: (623) 322-9970



Facebook: Clair Van Steenwyk

Address: 13726 W Gable Hill Dr, Sun City West, AZ 85375

Age: 67. (10/01/46, Orange City, IA).

Arizona since: 2007

Occupation: Retired; political talk show host, KXXT 1010am, since 2009; owner, property management development company, 1990-2013; national sales and marketing manager for food companies in CA for 14 years.

Marital: Married

Children: 1

Education: High school graduate, 1965.

Political experience: Precinct committeeman; state committeeman; candidate, U.S. Senate, 2012; former president, Greater Phoenix Tea Party Patriots; worked on various campaigns since 1956.

Interests: Christian outreach, politics.

Two biggest issues: Balance budget amendment, term limits, cut federal spending, Arizona lands restored to Arizona, remove federal control of schools, seal our borders and no legal status but real immigration reform. My concern is all the laws and regulations that are passed that have no constitutional foundation.

Budget priorities: Balanced budget amendment.

Fiscal philosophy: Close unconstitutional departments and agencies, freeze all hiring by the federal government for two years and audit the books of all departments to improve those that are constitutionally based.

Common Core: Our highways and roads.

Gifts to elected officials: President John F Kennedy. He took a stand against Russia and equality for all.

Transparency in government: I speak with various friends in the GOP and retired military along with business associates, for advice and counsel.