Democrat – Legislative District 22 House
Phone: (623) 556-8949
Facebook: Larry Woods
Twitter: @larrywoodsaz
Address: 15141 W Horseman Ln, Sun City West, AZ 85375
Arizona since: 1998
Occupation: Did not provide birthdate. Retired.
Marital: Married
Children: 2
Education: M.S., computer science, Purdue University; B.S., mathematics/philosophy, Tarkio College (Tarkio, MO).
Political experience: President, Sun City West PORA, for three years, board member for six year; worked on Prop 121 (Open Elections/Open Government Act), 2012.
Interests: Reading, future studies.
Two biggest issues: The single most pressing problem is the inadequate funding of our public schools. The future of Arizona as a good place to raise a family depends of a top-notch education system. This is not the case at the present time. One of my top priorities will be to work to restore the funding of our educational systems, pre-school, K-12, and post-secondary, back to their pre-recession levels and to support legislation to protect the Arizona College and Career Ready Standards. Another issues has to do with the protection of our most vulnerable, in particular our children and our ever-growing population of seniors. The establishment of a responsible and transparent agency that is charged with the protection of both children and seniors from abuse and neglect is crucial. Although the protection of children is presently being addresses, I will be working toward the increased protection of our vulnerable seniors.
Budget priorities: I believe that it is obvious that our education systems are underfunded. I presently see two areas where we can look for additional school funding. First, I would be asking for a review of the funding of our prison system as one source of funding. There is no question that we need an adequate system of incarceration, but I do question whether we are overpaying for these services. Secondly, our present and past Legislatures have also been very free and easy with dolling out tax breaks for businesses. If we can see a payback in increased taxes from these giveaways then I would consider supporting them. But, all too often these have been gifts and not economically justified.
Fiscal philosophy: The spending of taxpayer money should be justified in all cases. All proposals for the distribution of funds should have a “plain language” explanation attachment that explains how the proposed funds will help the recipients and how it will make Arizona a better place to live. It needs to explain, again in plain English, the problem, and how this problem will be fixed with this legislation. All too many pieces of legislation, whether directly involving funding or not, are written in such a way that it is nearly impossible to understand the reason for the legislation and what the outcome that is expected. I will not vote for ANY legislation unless I understand it. No rubber stamping!
Common Core: Of course the Common Core standards should be implemented. These standards get away from the previous methods that were too focused on simple testing. We need to graduate students that are not only ready to work in Arizona but can feel comfortable moving to another state with the knowledge that their education can match up with the education that was done in these other states.
Gifts to elected officials: I am not familiar with all of the state laws on gifting for elected officials, but I am personally against ANY gifts to elected officials. Someone would have to explain to me how getting gifts from individuals or organizations can be justified!
Transparency in government: I would support public notice for two reasons. First, as previously stated, the public needs to understand where their tax dollars are going. As I have stated in an earlier question, all legislation needs to be understood and justified “in plain language.” Secondly, the procedure of providing public notice will slow down the introduction of legislation, which at this time is “too much, too fast.” I would also hope that these procedures would reduce or eliminate the use of “Striker” bills.
Pro-life / pro-choice: This is a private issue between a woman, her mate, and their church, if they choose. It is not a legislative issue.
Public policy advice: My constituency, various friends in higher education, and many other friends whose advice I respect. I would also be doing a lot of reading on any area that I would be getting involved in. I will not serve on any committee unless I feel that I am adequately educated on the issues that the committee will be addressing. And I won’t wait until public hearings in order to get my education a few minutes before voting on an issue.