

Past Events

Morning Scoop: Apprenticeships – A Path to Economic Growth

Our country’s infrastructure is dependent on the construction industry not only for development but for future economic growth. Apprenticeships in the construction field offer gold-standard training that can include college credits and wages while learning a trade in a highly skilled field. We’ll discuss the BuilditAZ Apprenticeship Initiative and the benefits of an apprenticeship in the construction industry.

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Rising Stars & Timeless Icons

The Arizona Capitol Cap Under 40 recognizes the sharpest minds in Arizona who are under 40. These are individuals who routinely take on the most challenging issues and have established their credentials through hard work, persistence and that independent spirit that animates the American southwest.

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Arizona Capitol Times 1835 W Adams, Phoenix, AZ

Recently converted to Webinar events. These forums are on topics exploring business, politics and the future of Arizona. Morning Scoop events take place throughout the year spanning a wide variety of topics and verticals.

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Morning Scoop: Groundwater in Rural Arizona – Its importance to communities and how we can manage this essential resource

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Morning Scoop: Innovative Solutions to Arizona’s Healthcare Crisis

More than a medical school, ASU Health will empower people to better manage their personal health while also creating a learning and teaching ecosystem to tackle the state's urgent healthcare needs. Join us to discuss how the next-level healthcare professionals will be trained to use the latest technology to create innovative solutions for health challenges in Arizona.

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Morning Scoop: Addressing housing and homeless in Arizona

Arizona's housing crisis continues to challenge the state's nonprofit and policy leaders. More and more Arizonans are struggling to find a home that meets their needs. Financial investments in both homelessness response and housing construction are needed to get us out of this crisis, but that is not enough. We need innovative policy solutions that can spur the development of more homes with affordable rents and mortgages.

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Morning Scoop: Navigating Dementia: Arizona’s Innovative New Model

Arizona has the fastest growth rate for Alzheimer’s disease in the country. Dementia takes an emotional toll on a family support system which is often unprepared for the level of care they must provide. AZ Complete Health is partnering with Oakwood Creative Care to develop a fully integrated Adult Day Club and Dementia Hub, focused on supporting patients living with dementia, their family members, and caregivers.

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Morning Scoop: Charting A Path to Clean, Reliable, Affordable Energy Future

Transitioning to clean energy in Arizona isn't just about reducing greenhouse gas pollution – it's about securing a brighter future for all. With most pollution stemming from electricity generation, the clear solution is moving away from fossil fuels. Every commitment to renewable energy paves the way for cleaner air, healthier communities, and economic growth – because every ton of emissions reduced today sets in motion a cascade of positive impacts, echoing through generations.

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Morning Scoop: What Do Arizona Voters Want?

In this Morning Scoop, we will be sharing a recent statewide survey of what Arizona voters are thinking about, which issues they prioritize, and where they agree on critical issues. The findings highlight the desire of candidates to speak about these important issues and what part the media plays in overall communication to voters. We'll share survey results on topics the majority of voters all agree on - education, state spending, immigration, and housing

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Best of the Capitol

Marriott Phoenix Airport 1101 N 44th St, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Arizona’s marquee party, Best of the Capitol is a light-hearted evening event that honors the people and groups engaged in Arizona politics in more than 30 categories, including Best Elected Official, Best Lobbyist, Best Dressed and Best Twitterer.

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