

Past Events

Meet the Candidates

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Top Companies to Work for in 2024


Top Companies to Work for in Arizona is a research-driven program from Best Companies Group that examines your company’s practices, programs and benefits and surveys your employees for their perspective. Companies that meet certain criteria are considered the Top Companies to Work for in Arizona.

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Morning Scoop: Protect Your Vote: Learn, Engage, and Act


In this Morning Scoop, we will be sharing a recent statewide survey of what Arizona voters are thinking about, which issues they prioritize, and where they agree on critical issues. The findings highlight the desire of candidates to speak about these important issues and what part the media plays in overall communication to voters. We'll share survey results on topics the majority of voters all agree on - education, state spending, immigration, and housing

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Morning Scoop: The new age of water in Arizona


In this Morning Scoop, we will be sharing a recent statewide survey of what Arizona voters are thinking about, which issues they prioritize, and where they agree on critical issues. The findings highlight the desire of candidates to speak about these important issues and what part the media plays in overall communication to voters. We'll share survey results on topics the majority of voters all agree on - education, state spending, immigration, and housing

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Leaders of the year in Public Policy

Marriott Phoenix Airport 1101 N 44th St, Phoenix, AZ, United States

Each year, the Arizona Capitol Times recognizes leaders that have contributed to the growth of our state. These are the people and groups that hunker down each day to find ways to improve the quality of life of Arizona’s citizens. The awardees will be recognized at an awards luncheon in September. They will also be profiled in a special edition of the Arizona Capitol Times .

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Morning Scoop: Voting 2024


In this Morning Scoop, you will learn everything you need to know to cast your ballot in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. Learn about numerous races on your ballot, how we retain justice and judges for office, how we elect the President, and how your ballot is kept secure. 

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Morning Scoop: Clean-Energy Investments in Arizona


In this Morning Scoop, we will discuss how new federal investments, fueled by recently passed infrastructure and climate laws, have empowered Arizona and private industry. Join host Steve Goldstein for this informative discussion! It's FREE to attend.

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Women Achievers of Arizona

Marriott Phoenix Airport 1101 N 44th St, Phoenix, AZ, United States

This event recognizes women who excel in their professions and work to advance their company, firm or community, and in doing so, make a difference in the lives of Arizonans.

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Morning Scoop: Exploring Apprenticeships in Arizona


In this Morning Scoop, we will discuss how new federal investments, fueled by recently passed infrastructure and climate laws, have empowered Arizona and private industry. Join host Steve Goldstein for this informative discussion! It's FREE to attend.

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Morning Scoop: Arizona Students Still Missing Too Much School


In this Morning Scoop, we will discuss chronic absenteeism. Despite improvements, new research from Helios Education Foundation and WestEd finds that too many Arizona students are still missing school. Join host Steve Goldstein for this informative discussion! It's FREE to attend.

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Morning Scoop on Housing Affordability


Housing affordability is a complex issue impacting large and small communities across the United States, including right here in Arizona. Cities and towns recognize the urgent need for an increased housing supply that’s safe, sustainable, and affordable – enabling all Arizonans to pursue the dream of home ownership. Hear from this bipartisan panel – two mayors, an economist and a data expert – on the latest trends and statistics, along with in-depth viewpoints from those on the frontlines about what is being accomplished – and what needs to be done.

Join host Steve Goldstein for this informative discussion. Register today!

For additional information on this Morning Scoop, please contact Sandy Mitchell at Smitchell@azcapitoltimes.com or 623-218-3575.

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Morning Scoop: AZ Workforce: Building Tomorrow’s Talent Ecosystem


In this Morning Scoop, we’ll explore challenges in Arizona’s workforce, including an aging labor pool, limited career awareness, and skills gaps. We’ll highlight the importance of collaboration among local organizations to align training programs to ensure a skilled workforce that meets the demands of industries and employers.

Join host Steve Goldstein for this informative discussion. Register today!

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