What’s Next for Career and Technical Education?
K-12 students in career and technical education (CTED) programs consistently outperform their peers in, among other areas, graduation rates and college enrollment. How are Arizona’s CTED programs delivering education amidst the COVID-19 pandemic? How are schools preparing for fall classes and beyond? What about hands-on experience? What resources are available to students and their families? How can state policymakers ensure that Arizona’s CTED programs remain robust, particularly as the state reopens its economy and businesses begin to fill jobs?
Join the conversation! Send in questions!
DATE: June 22, 2020
TIME: 8-9 a.m.
Sen. Sylvia Allen, Chair, Senate Education Committee
Rep. Michelle Udall, Chair, House Education Committee
Kathy L. Prather, Superintendent and CEO, Pima County Joint Technical Education District
C. Kevin Imes, Superintendent, Southwest Technical Education District of Yuma and President, AZCTED Consortium
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