

Sep 8, 2009

Billion-dollar deficits to plague Ariz. through 2013

Most states are swimming in red ink, but Arizona is on the verge of drowning in it. Federal stimulus dollars intended to prop up government revenues and help states weather the economic storm have been spent, and the Grand Canyon State is facing deficits that could reach $3 billion in each of the next three years.

Sep 4, 2009

Lawmakers from both parties criticize Brewer’s budget action

The governor’s actions on the state budget drew jeers from both Republicans and Democrats, but for wildly different reasons. House Speaker Kirk Adams and Senate President Bob Burns, both Republicans, said Gov. Jan Brewer increased state spending by more than $350 million with her line-item-vetoes of cuts to K-12 education and the Department of Economic Security, which provides benefits for Arizo[...]

Sep 4, 2009

Brewer vetoes part of budget, blames ‘extremists’ from both parties

Blaming “extremists” from both parties for holding up the budget process and threatening the state with bankruptcy, Gov. Jan Brewer on Sept. 4 signed large swaths of the budget that she said will help the state “weather the storm” until the next legislative session. But she vetoed parts of the main spending bill, including $300 million in cuts to K-12 schools and DES. She also vetoed the b[...]

Sep 3, 2009

Brewer might face a tough primary

During her 27 years in public office, Gov. Jan Brewer has never lost an election. But if she runs for a full term in 2010, some are predicting that streak could come to an inglorious end in the Republican primary.

Sep 3, 2009

Unbalanced budget poses a legal quagmire

The Arizona Constitution requires the enactment of a balanced budget for the upcoming fiscal year before July 1. But two months into the fiscal 2010, the budget in place was not signed or balanced, even on paper.

Sep 2, 2009

Bennett: Ariz. would benefit from a lieutenant governor

Electing a governor and lieutenant governor as a ticket would provide greater consistency and be truer to the voice of voters when a governor leaves midterm, Secretary of State Ken Bennett said Sept. 1.

Sep 1, 2009

Garcia: Budget talks ‘still alive’

Bipartisan budget talks took place Sept. 1 - but only between Senate leaders and the governor.

Sep 1, 2009

Brewer cancels Mexico trip

The day before her scheduled departure for a border governors' conference in Mexico, Gov. Jan Brewer announced that she will stay in Arizona to continue working on the protracted budget crisis.

Aug 31, 2009

Democratic leader: Five-party talks fall apart

Last-ditch budget negotiations between Republicans and Democrats appear to have fallen apart, which makes it unlikely Gov. Jan Brewer will see her sales-tax-increase proposal on a ballot any time soon.

Aug 31, 2009

Poll: Brewer very unpopular among voters

A new poll was released today (Aug. 31), and the results don’t bode well for Gov. Jan Brewer’s chances for election to a full term. It also looks bad for... […]

Aug 30, 2009

Budget cuts test state personnel policies

Forced to dramatically cut payrolls, some states are finding low-cost ways to boost employee morale, even as they struggle to maintain basic human resource functions such as training, recruiting, hiring and regular performance reviews.

Aug 27, 2009

Burns appoints Leff as Senate president pro tem

Senate President Bob Burns has appointed a Paradise Valley Republican to the position of Senate President Pro Tempore. Sen. Barbara Leff replaced Sen. Steve Pierce, the majority whip.


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